Medicina de las momias: ¿Los europeos comían momias del antiguo Egipto?

Los europeos estaban tan fascinados con las momias egipcias y encantados con la oportunidad de comprarlas que estaban destinados a hacer algo extraño con ellas. No solo terminaron…

El Museo de las Momias de Guanajuato: Un relato macabro que no te puedes perder

Las momias de Guanajuato son un conjunto de más de cien cadáveres conservados por causas naturales que fueron descubiertos en el siglo XIX en Guanajuato, ciudad del centro…

Los ancestrales Chinchorro padecían una enfermedad provocada por la malnutrición que causa alteraciones en los huesos del cráneo

La conocida como Cultura Chinchorro estaba formada por grupos de pescadores y cazadores-recolectores que habitaron la costa del desierto de Atacama entre los años 7020-1500 antes de Cristo, ocupando zonas de…

Ahogamiento a mediados del Holoceno en la costa del desierto de Atacama en Chile

Los restos de un hombre de 5.000 años de antigüedad desenterrados de un entierro masivo en el norte de Chile han sido identificados como pertenecientes a un pescador del Neolítico…

Agricultores del desierto neolítico de Atacama lucharon violentamente por los recursos

No sería injusto decir que la historia de la humanidad ha sido un continuo derramamiento de sangre y violencia. Este fenómeno se ha capturado hoy en simulaciones virtuales,…

RoboVulture Is The First Bird Ever To Receive A Bionic Limb Connected To The Skeleton

So far, bionic aids have been used in humans, but now the technique has also been used on a bearded vulture – the creature has been given a…

This Man Saved a Dying Crocodile and They Stayed Best Friends for Over 20 Years

What’s the most dangerous pet you’ve ever had? Whatever it is, it sure doesn’t even come close to a five-meter, 500-kilogram crocodile! Image credit: Adam C. Smith Photography…

When a Saudi Prince Bought Airplane Seats for Each of His 80 Falcons

Next time you’re crammed in the middle seat on a plane counting down the hours, be thankful you’re not sharing the couch with 80 birds. Big ones. In…

Fish With ‘Human’ Teeth Caught in North Carolina Turns Attention on a Remarkable Species

A fish that has distinct teeth, like humans, has been caught by a fisherman in North Carolina. Photo: Jennette’s Pier A photo of the fish was shared on…

Mother, 26, Beats 200 Million To One Odds To Give Birth To Naturally- Conceived IDENTICAL Triplets

Katie Craw, 26, from Pentre Maelor, Wales, said she and partner Rob Ellis almost fainted when they were told their second child had actually turned three during the…

Mother Who Gave Birth To Son Weighing Nearly 15lbs Says Already Eating Porridge And Bursting Out Of Size 9-12 Month Clothing At The Age Of Just Five Months

Alpha Stone Mitchell, hiện 24 tuần tuổi, đã được trao vương miện cho đứa trẻ mới sinh lớn thứ ba ở Anh khi anh sinh mổ tại Bệnh…

Girl Born With Feet Size Of Penny Defies Medics Who Said She’d Never Walk Or Talk

A “miracle” baby born at 24 weeks’ gestation with feet the size of a penny has defied doctors who said she’d never walk or talk. The 5-year-old is…