Author: Ben

Archaeologists are quite familiar with the unearthing of human remains. But occasionally they come across burials that are more bizarre and unsettling – from hybrid frankenstein-type skeletons, to ‘vampires’ pinned to the ground with wooden stakes, ‘witches’ held in their graves by heavy stones and individuals with stones wedged in their mouths, iron sickles against their throats, or holes in their skulls that had been drilled to exorcise evil spirits, there are no shortage of strange and grisly discoveries. This Halloween we examine ten such ghoulish discoveries. Archaeologists uncover ‘witch’ burial in Italy In 2014, archaeologists uncovered an ancient skeleton…

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“Tenemos evidencia de masacres que datan de hace 10.000 años. Lo único que ha cambiado hoy son nuestros vehículos y armas. No creo que la naturaleza humana o la psicología hayan cambiado mucho”. Hace unos 6.200 años, 41 personas que murieron en el territorio de la actual Croacia fueron enterradas en una fosa común. Un nuevo análisis de los restos revela que estos individuos pueden haber sido asesinados por miembros de su propia comunidad. Las edades de los cuerpos en la tumba oscilaron entre 2 y 50 años, y la mitad de ellos pertenecían a niños. Los científicos detrás del…

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Dallas Mavericks superstar Kyrie Irving talked about his Brooklyn Nets exit and pushed back on the notion that NBA trade requests are bad for the league at large. Dallas Mavericks superstar Kyrie Irving participated in the typical NBA All-Star Media Day process on Saturday before participating in the All-Star Game on Sunday night. Irving discussed many topics at his podium availability; among them was his trade request that ended his time with the Brooklyn Nets. Many consider Irving’s decision to move on ahead of the Feb. 9 deadline as a spark for major activity around the league, including the trade that sent Kevin Durant to the Phoenix…

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Scientists say the impact on Mars was similar to the Chicxulub impact 66 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs on Earth. A Martian megatsunami was likely caused by a large asteroid impact when Mars was more similar to Earth. Scientists say the impact was similar to the Chicxulub impact 66 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs on Earth. According to a study published in Scientific Reports, ancient Mars harbored an ocean in the northern lowlands. Those Martian lowlands are home to a massive impact crater. About 3.4 billion years ago, a gigantic space rock struck the red planet.…

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Diodorus Siculus wrote in the first century BC, “Hannibal plundered the sacred places and, snatching away the people who took refuge there, set them on fire and razed the city, which had been inhabited for 240 years, to the ground. Himera was conquered by force and the barbarians gave themselves to a long ruthless massacre of all those who remained there. A necropolis with more than 12,000 almost untouched burials from the Archaic and Classical periods, many of which are rich in grave goods, was discovered between 2008 and 2011, during work on the expansion of the railway line at…

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The mummy of Ramses the Great was sent to France in 1976 so that it could undergo a number of tests and conservation procedures using the most cutting-edge methods available at the time. In the French nation, the pharaoh was welcomed as if he were a functioning Head of State. On September 26, 1976, Ramses II, the oldest and most famous pharaoh (reigned no less than 67 years), became the first king of ancient Egypt to get on a plane. The 3,000-year-old mummy of the monarch was loaded onto a military Transall-type propeller plane inside a specially made crash-proof, fire-proof and unsinkable oak…

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Es muy parecido al estampido sónico de un avión supersónico. Lo que han detectado, parece ser el «resplandor residual» de una kilonova producto de la fusión de estrellas de neutrones. Un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Northwestern y la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias de Weinberg (Alemania) parece haberse topado con un resplandor posterior de kilonova, el primero de su tipo que se observa. Pero, ¿qué es exactamente una kilonova? Es la fusión de dos estrellas de neutrones que genera una explosión 1.000 veces más brillante que una nova clásica. Los desechos generan luz visible e infrarroja a partir de la descomposición de…

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Los impactos de cometas contra la superficie de Europa, una de las lunas de Júpiter, pudieron ayudar a transportar los ingredientes esenciales para la vida presentes en la superficie de esa luna hasta el océano de agua líquida situado en su subsuelo, aunque los impactos no perforaran por completo la corteza de hielo que separa de la superficie a ese mar. Esta es la conclusión de un estudio realizado por un equipo integrado, entre otros, por Evan Carnahan y Marc Hesse, ambos de la Universidad de Texas en Austin, Estados Unidos. Los autores del estudio desarrollaron un modelo informático para…

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The Dallas Mavericks were well represented at the 2023 NBA All-Star Game with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving both starting for Team LeBron. Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving represented the Dallas Mavericks at the 2023 NBA All-Star Game as the only pair of teammates to start. For the first time, the NBA had the two All-Star captains, LeBron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo, select the players for their team on the court before the start of the game. The draft process was previously done in part of a live televised event. Team Giannis managed to achieve the fourth-quarter target score first to come away with the…

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The discovery of a mummification workshop and a collective burial place from the XXVI dynasty has been made to the south of the pyramid of Unas, in Saqqara An Egyptian and German archaeological mission, from the University of Tübingen, has discovered a mummification workshop and a collective burial site from the Saite-Persian period (664-404 BC) south of the pyramid of Unas, in Saqqara. Khaled El-Anany, Egypt’s antiquities minister, announced the important find on Saturday, which includes several burial chambers, a collection of 35 mummies, four sealed sarcophagi due to open shortly, and a silver-gilt funerary mask that belonged to a person who held the…

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Los restos de 29 personas enterradas para el sacrificio hace más de 1.000 años fueron descubiertos en un templo preinca en el norte de Perú. Los investigadores encontraron cuatro tumbas con restos de niños y adolescentes en el sitio de excavación de Huaca Santa Rosa de Pucalá en la región Lambayeque de Perú. Fueron sacrificados y enterrados durante la construcción del primero de los tres sitios, incluido un templo de la cultura Wari, según el equipo. Además de restos humanos, el equipo descubrió avestruces y conejillos de indias que mostraban signos de prácticas de sacrificio. El arqueólogo Edgar Bracamonte Levano…

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Los arqueólogos en Egipto han desenterrado 110 tumbas antiguas en el delta del Nilo, que contienen los restos de adultos y niños que datan de hace unos 5.000 años. Los increíbles hallazgos se realizaron en la provincia de Dakahlia, al norte de El Cairo. El hecho podría arrojar luz sobre dos importantes períodos de transición en el antiguo Egipto. Los arqueólogos egipcios que trabajan en el delta del Nilo han descubierto docenas de raras tumbas predinásticas que datan del período anterior al surgimiento de los reinos faraónicos de Egipto hace más de 5000 años. También encontraron tumbas cercanas del período…

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Por más descabellado que suene, existe un concepto revolucionario que podría cambiar nuestro en entendimiento del universo y que cambiaría definitivamente el campo de la física: la información podría tener masa. Y no solo eso, también podría ser un nuevo y extraño estado de la materia, según plantea Melvin Vopson, físico de la Universidad de Portsmouth, en el Reino Unido. Así, el científico ha ideado un experimento basado en explosiones de antimateria que cree que podría llegar a confirmar su teoría, la cual, de ser correcta, probaría que la información es la quinta forma de la materia, junto con la…

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LightSail 2, la nave espacial de vela solar financiada por The Planetary Society, ha completado con éxito su misión de demostrar el vuelo por luz para pequeñas naves espaciales. Las predicciones orbitales mostraron que LightSail 2 volvió a ingresar en la atmósfera en algún momento del 17 de noviembre tras una misión de casi tres años y medio, durante los cuales LightSail 2 demostró que podía cambiar su órbita utilizando el suave empuje de la luz solar, una técnica conocida como navegación solar. LightSail 2 demostró que las naves espaciales pequeñas pueden transportar, desplegar y utilizar velas solares relativamente grandes para la propulsión, informa The…

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In the Messel Pit, a one-meter-long, roughly 47 million-year-old python that is almost entirely preserved was found. The new python species, Messelopython freyi, is named in honor of paleontologist Eberhard “Dino” Frey of the State Museum of Natural History in Karlsruhe. The study was published in the scientific journal Biology Letters. Pythons, which can reach more than six meters in length, are among the largest snakes in the world. Today, various species of these snakes are found primarily in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and Australia. From the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History, Dr. Krister Smith said, “The geographic…

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Have you ever wondered about what winter is like on the surface of Mars? Is there snow? And if there is, how much of it is there? Have you ever wondered about what winter is like on Mars? NASA has a series of photographs taken from orbit that show the Martian winter wonderland. Frozen landscapes with cube-shaped snow are just one of the characteristics of a Martian winter. The coldest temperature on the red planet is around Mars’ poles, where it can get as freezing as minus 123 degrees Celsius. But despite the extreme cold, Mars doesn’t get as much snow as Earth…

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Los representantes del extremo del PSG, Neymar, han abierto conversaciones con cinco clubes de la Premier League, incluidos el Manchester United y el Liverpool. Informes recientes afirmaron que el PSG estaba abierto a la posibilidad de que Neymar dejara el club al final de la temporada. Los representantes de Neymar ya han hablado con varios clubes de la Premier League, incluidos Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United y Newcastle. El informe afirma que Neymar está interesado en pasar a la Premier League y que el PSG está dispuesto a permitir que se vaya. Ver a Neymar en la Premier League sería fantástico para los neutrales y, a los 31 años, sentirías que es ahora o nunca si va a jugar en Inglaterra antes de retirarse. Sin…

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Every animal is born with its own characteristics, but there are some cases where there are unique characteristics that can attract anyone’s attention almost immediately. One of the typical examples is Eris – Borzoi hunting dog, from Richmond, Virginia, USA, the animal has an extremely long nose up to more than 30cm. Lily and Savannah are the owners of Eris, the couple adopted the animal in July 2018. At that time, Eris was just a puppy, at that time, no one knew how long her nose would be.As Eris began to grow, its unusual nose became more and more obvious.…

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A woмan in DunsƄorough, Perth, Australia was ѕһoсked when she discoʋered a ѕtгапɡe ᴛwo-headed lizard in the garden Ƅehind her house.When going ᴛo the Ƅack garden, a woмan naмed Jo discoʋered this 2-headed lizard had jusᴛ Ƅeen in a tripleᴛs and only he had an aƄnorмal appearance. With ᴛwo heads quiᴛe far aparᴛ, this lizard had a loᴛ of trouƄle мoʋing and was iммediaᴛely ᴛaken ᴛo a nearƄy ʋeᴛerinary hospiᴛal.

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A ɡгᴜeѕome-looking sea creature gave beachcombers the fright of their lives after it was spotted washed ashore on a San Diego beach Tuesday. Footage of the freaky flotsam is currently making waves online. “I have never seen anything quite like this before,” Jay Beiler, who took the photos, told NBC of the sea moпѕteг, which he ѕtᴜmЬɩed upon on Torrey Pines State Beach.Initially thinking the critter was a “jellyfish,” the beach-goer realized upon closer inspection that it was, in fact, a fish, Storyful reported. By that time, a large сгowd of curious onlookers had gathered around to gawk at his…

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A real Amazon warrior is the owner of the shrunken human head that was featured in the black comedy Wise Blood from 1979 and displayed at Mercer University in the United States. The shrunken heads, called Tsantsa, are part of tribes in Ecuador and Peru. Chemist Craig D. Byron, Biologist Adam M. Kiefer, and Biomedical engineer Joanna Thomas of Mercer University said tsantsas were prepared from body parts of enemies killed in battle. The scientists added that the tsantsa is believed to contain the soul of the victim and all his experiences, thus giving strength to its owner. Biologist Jim…

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There’s a lot more out there in space than immediately meets the eye. In the sparse chasms that yawn between the galaxies gravitationally bound in huge clusters, lone stars wander alone, like cosmic rōnin, misplaced and unconstrained. We don’t know where these stars came from. Were they kicked out from host galaxies? Or were they always there, forming alone in the darkness? To find answers, the Hubble Space Telescope looked at 10 galaxy clusters, with light traveling for as long as 10 billion years to reach us. And the observations revealed that the feeble, diffuse light of lonely stars was…

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No es un efectivo de garantías en Anfield, pero sí una de las jóvenes apuestas del pasado mercado estival. Media temporada después, el Liverpool confirmó este viernes la baja para lo que resta de curso de Ramsay. El lateral escocés de 19 años fue operado de una fractura en su rodilla izquierda causada por el estrés de sus problemas en la espalda. Jürgen Klopp atendió a los medios del club ‘red’ y aseguró que el caso del jugador es «realmente especial«. El entrenador alemán se sinceró al respecto: «Calvin llegó aquí con un problema en la espalda del que nunca había oído hablar antes. No tenía dolor real, pero no le permití…

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Archaeologists found two amulets made of lead. Researchers believe the inscriptions are incantations. Archaeologists are trying to decipher magical incantations engraved on small gold and silver scrolls that were discovered with human skeletons buried more than 2,000 years ago. “The alphabet is Greek, we know so far. The language is Aramaic – it’s a Middle Eastern mystery to us,” the chief archaeologist at the site in eastern Serbia, Miomir Korac, told Reuters. The skeletons were discovered at the foot of a large coal-fired power plant, where searches are being conducted before another unit of the plant is built on the…

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