Author: Ben

The mummy, known as La Doncella, is actually frozen in slumber. The mummy of an ancient Inca girl sits literally frozen in sleep at a museum in Argentina. The mummy, called La Doncella or The Maiden, is that of a teenage girl who died more than 500 years ago in a ritual sacrifice in the Andes Mountains. The excavation of the mummies at the mountain’s peak was the world’s highest archaeological dig, according to anthropologist Johan Reinhard. The girl and two other children were left on a mountaintop to succumb to the cold as offerings to the gods, according to…

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The earliest identified bones of an ancient Egyptian pregnant woman mummified more than 2,000 years ago were found near Thebes. The corpse was 28 weeks into her pregnancy when she ᴅɪᴇᴅ, scans of the body revealed. Experts from the Polish Academy of Sciences, working as part of the Warsaw Mummy Project, worked to discover more about the woman, thought to be in her 20s. Through a combination of CT scans and X-rays, the team discovered the remains of a foetus, about 26 to 30 weeks old, inside the woman – the first time a pregnant mummy has been discovered. The body…

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ESPN may want Dallas Mavericks superstar Kyrie Irving on the Los Angeles Lakers just as much, if not more, than LeBron James himself. Before the Dallas Mavericks acquired Kyrie Irving from the Brooklyn Nets, there was significant speculation regarding the Los Angeles Lakers being a potential landing spot to reunite with LeBron James. The latest storylines linking Irving and the Lakers were sparked by the 2023 NBA All-Star Game when James, one of the two captains, used one of his early picks to select Irving. James announced his pick of Irving by calling him “the wizard and young god.” “It’s always good to see him,” James said of Irving.…

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La materia oscura ultraligera se puede detectar dentro del Sol colocando una red de relojes atómicos ultraprecisos en el espacio. En el siglo XX, al analizar la rotación de los brazos de las galaxias espirales, se descubrieron graves anomalías. Las estrellas en ellas no giran alrededor del centro como deberían, como si estuvieran afectadas por una gran masa oculta. En este sentido, los astrónomos han introducido el concepto de materia oscura, una variable que, cuando se suma a las ecuaciones de movimiento, hace que el modelo parezca de la vida real. Se cree que esta materia oscura no interactúa con…

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Un nuevo tipo de onda acústica de alta frecuencia ha sido descubierta propagándose en el Sol, y parece estar desafiando todo lo que sabemos. Un equipo del Centro de Ciencias Espaciales de Abu Dhabi de la Universidad de Nueva York analizó 25 años de observaciones espaciales y terrestres de ondas de energía de nuestra estrella anfitriona. Como resultado, descubrieron un nuevo conjunto de ondas que se mueven en la dirección opuesta a la rotación del Sol, viajando inexplicablemente más rápido de lo que era teóricamente posible. Estas ondas aparecen como un patrón de vórtices, en un movimiento giratorio, en la…

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These giant, ocean worlds are likely to be significantly more abundant than Earth-like exoplanets. In the search for potentially habitable worlds, astronomers have focused on Earth-like planets orbiting Sun-like stars. These rocky worlds have a similar radius and mass to Earth and must be warm enough to allow liquid water to exist on the surface. But although astronomers have found a number of promising candidates—for example Trappist-1d or Proxima Centauri b, which both orbit nearby stars– the necessary conditions are stringent and this significantly limits their number. Now Nikku Madhusudhan and colleagues at the University of Cambridge in the U.K.…

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According to forensic analyses of a well-known prehistoric mummy, the ancient Egyptians perfected advanced embalming techniques much earlier and throughout a larger geographic area than had been previously believed. It is the first time that extensive tests have been carried out on an intact prehistoric mummy, consolidating the researchers’ previous findings that embalming was taking place 1,500 years earlier than previously accepted. Dating from c.3700-3500 BC, the mummy has been housed in the Egyptian Museum in Turin since 1901, but unlike the majority of other prehistoric mummies in museums, it has never undergone any conservation treatments, providing a unique opportunity…

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En la antesala del duelo de octavos de final de Champions League ante Real Madrid, el entrenador de Liverpol, Jürgen Klopp, reveló que este fin de semana volvió a ver por primera vez la final de Champions League perdida el año pasado ante los merengues y la calificó como “una tortura”. “Son partidos diferentes, pero sigue siendo uno de los clubes más grandes del mundo. No había vuelto a ver esa final de París hasta este fin de semana y me di cuenta de por qué. Fue una tortura. Ahora sé por qué no la había visto. Jugamos bien, pero ellos marcaron el gol decisivo”, dijo el adiestrador.…

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El sitio donde se descubrió el esqueleto no se ha utilizado mucho durante los últimos 30 años, por lo que actualmente no hay registro de cómo llegaron allí los huesos. La prensa mundial compartió lo siguiente sobre la noticia: “Recientemente, el esqueleto de un animal misterioso fue excavado por trabajadores en el este de Turquía. Mide alrededor de un metro de largo y tiene colmillos feroces, extremidades traseras extremadamente largas y garras en lugar de pezuñas. El equipo de estudio contactó a investigadores de una universidad cercana que realizarán pruebas en los misteriosos huesos. Tienen tejido intacto que podría permitir…

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Please forgive υs if this deters yoυ from eatiпg yoυr meal bυt, as sпakes go, this oпe isп’t mυch of a charmer. Αtretochoaпa eiselti was discovered wheп eпgiпeers emptied a hydroelectric dam that crosses a river-related to the Αmazoп.Six of the straпge-lookiпg aпimals, each approximately a meter loпg, were discovered at the Ьottom of the Madeira river iп Roпdoпia, Brazil, by biologists. The aпimals were discovered iп November, bυt it took υпtil today for experts to accυrately пame the sпake’s ѕрeсіeѕ, coпfirmiпg that it is a гагe critter that has oпly beeп sighted iпtermitteпtly siпce 1968. It is really more…

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The snake wrapped iᴛself around the caiмan in whaᴛ ᴛurned ouᴛ ᴛo Ƅe a draмaᴛic 40-мinuᴛe fighᴛ for surʋiʋal on the Ƅanks of the CuiaƄá Riʋer. The caiмan desperaᴛely aᴛᴛeмpᴛed ᴛo free iᴛself as the anaconda constricᴛed iᴛself мore and мore, with the gianᴛ repᴛile ѕіпkіпɡ iᴛs ᴛeeth inᴛo the snake. Buᴛ the bruᴛal fighᴛ eʋenᴛually ended in a dгаw afᴛer the caiмan foughᴛ off iᴛs aᴛᴛacker. Wildlife phoᴛographer Kiм Sulliʋan, froм Indiana, said: ‘The caiмan wenᴛ under [the waᴛer]. I could see the ᴛip of the anaconda’s nose ѕtгᴜɡɡɩіпɡ ᴛo geᴛ air. The caiмan самe up sᴛill constricᴛed Ƅy…

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The whole US is talking about the corpse of a mysterious animal discovered on New York beach last month. The strangely shaped animal, nicknamed the “Montauk monster”, is creating a fever in the American media. It could be a dog… a raccoon, an experiment or it could be a mischievous prank. No one has the exact answer to “Montauk monster”, but one thing is for sure, everyone is talking about it. The “Montauk Monster” is shaped like a dog. On the morning of July 30, an American newspaper reported that a mysterious creature had washed up in the Montauk area, along the…

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En la necrópolis, que fue desenterrada durante las excavaciones iniciadas hace 5 años en el castillo de Çavuştepe en el distrito de Gürpınar de Van, se encontraron dos tumbas pertenecientes al período de Urartian. De esta manera, se obtuvieron nuevos hallazgos respecto a las costumbres funerarias y estilo de vida de los urartianos. Rey urartiano II. En las excavaciones realizadas en la zona del castillo de Çavuştepe, que fue construido por Sarduri en el 750 a. C., y la necrópolis en su parte norte (la región donde se encuentran los cementerios y fosas comunes en las ciudades arqueológicas), se obtuvieron…

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The Mavericks are 0-2 thus far with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving playing together but the former Net believes their partnership will be very fruitful, according to Callie Caplan of the Dallas Morning News. “I can say this about Luka — he scored the ball extremely well. He gets everybody involved very easily, and he plays at his own pace, as we’ve said it over the last few years,” Irving said. “But his IQ is something that I’m really looking forward to learning more about, and just picking his brain. He’s 23 years old. He’s seen a lot, but he still has more room to grow and…

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Tenemos un nuevo exoplaneta para buscar algún día signos potenciales de vida. A solo 31 años luz de distancia, los astrónomos han identificado un mundo del tamaño de la Tierra increíblemente raro que orbita a una distancia de su estrella que debería ser hospitalario para la vida tal como la conocemos. Es decir, si el propio exoplaneta tiene las condiciones adecuadas para propiciar el surgimiento de la vida. Esa información aún no está disponible para nosotros, pero el mundo representa un candidato prometedor para una futura búsqueda de firmas biológicas en exoplanetas cercanos de la masa de la Tierra. La búsqueda…

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El primer experimento de este tipo demostró que las reacciones catalizadas por rayos gamma pueden producir aminoácidos, lo que contribuyó al origen de la vida en la Tierra. Cómo surgió la vida en la Tierra sigue siendo uno de los misterios más complejos de la ciencia. Uno de los muchos mitos e hipótesis es la posibilidad de que los meteoritos entreguen aminoácidos , conocidos como los componentes básicos de la vida, a nuestro planeta. En un experimento único en su tipo , los investigadores han demostrado que los aminoácidos podrían haberse formado en los primeros meteoritos a partir de reacciones impulsadas por rayos gamma producidos…

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It was difficult to survive in the Atacama Desert, but the true threat was not from the natural world. Nobody would have imagined how simple farming would be in this area. And yet, the brutal hardships of living in one of Earth’s driest, harshest environments proved fatal to many, and not all dangers were imposed by the desert. Some of the most terrifying dangers here were the people themselves. In a new study, scientists examined the human remains of some of the first farmers to till the Atacama Desert in what is now Chile, about 3,000 years ago. In addition…

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We all know our galaxy, the Milky Way, is big. Really big. But, exactly how far out does it extend? Where are the outer limits? Astronomers aren’t exactly sure, precisely. However, a study of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster accidentally turned up a population of stars in the outer part of the Milky Way. They may answer those questions. The stars, called RR Lyrae variables, lie in the galaxy’s stellar halo. That’s a shell of stars and dark matter that extends at least halfway to the Andromeda Galaxy. It’s our nearest neighboring spiral and lies about 2.5 million light-years away. The newly…

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Since at least the 18th century, there have been discoveries in northwestern continental Europe and Britain of “bog bodies” – human remains which have been preserved in the anoxic environment of bogs. These specimens are very well-preserved, with hair, skin, and clothing often being retained for centuries. Bog bodies offer a unique view into ancient societies, but they also raise many questions that are often related to how they ended up in their odd burial location. Did they end up in bogs as human sacrifices? As a punishment for criminal behavior? Or perhaps by unfortunate accident? Each of their stories…

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In their adult form, this strange animal looks a lot like a worm or perhaps a snake, although it has a backbone it is more closely related to the salamander. Strange creatures and the eggs are also very unique.Chikilidae have eyes, but their eyesight is extremely limited and they spend most of their time underground. Normally, the female incubates the eggs for 2-3 months and does not need to eat or drink. When the hatchlings hatch, they do not go through the larval or tadpole stages like frogs do.It is often difficult to find this species because its habitat is…

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Harρy eagles are ƙnσwn tσ be fierce and ρecᴜliar birds. Their featᴜres inclᴜde an exρressiνe face and crσwn σf feathers. This bird with its striƙing aρρearance is sᴜre tσ taƙe yσᴜr breath away. Its majestic natᴜre is nσt the σnly awe-insρiring thing abσᴜt this bird. Eνen its wingsρan and height are sᴜre tσ imρress yσᴜ. This gσrgeσᴜs bird measᴜres ᴜρ tσ 3 feet and 5 inches in height. The harρy eagle’s wingsρan reaches ᴜρ tσ 7 feet and 4 inches. Sσme hᴜmans haνe eνen cσmρared the harρy eagle tσ a Pσƙémσn. Others declare that its aρρearance is similar tσ that…

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On August 5, 1949, an earthquake struck the small town of Guano in Ecuador, causing buildings to crack open and crumble. The disaster led to the strange discovery of the Mummy of Guano. During the earthquake, the walls of the old church Asunción de Guano were destroyed and knocked down to the floor, and there, tucked away inside a large jar inside one of the walls of the church was the Mummy of Guano. Why it was buried in such a unique way inside the walls of the church remains a mystery to many people today as nothing like it…

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El Liverpool recibirá este martes al Real Madriddebido al duelo de ida de octavos de final de la Champions League. El conjunto ‘red’ disputó este sábado un encuentro liguero ante el Newcastle y ganó 0-2 en la prueba previa al choque europeo. Tras el pitido final, el entrenador del conjunto de Merseyside, Jürgen Klopp, habló de una de las figuras del partido como fue Darwin Núñez. El uruguayo marcó el primero de los suyos y fue retirado antes de que acabara el partido con cara de dolor. Algo que preocupó y mucho a los aficionados del combinado inglés, ya que el martes recibirán al Madrid. El alemán habló…

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La momia de 500 años, que fue donada a la Universidad Estatal de Michigan hace 129 años, ha sido devuelta a Bolivia. Una momia joven increíblemente bien conservada y rara finalmente está siendo devuelta desde América del Norte a su legítimo hogar en Bolivia. 129 años después de ser donada al Museo de la Universidad Estatal de Michigan (MSU), Ñusta, (quechua para ‘princesa’), una niña inca momificada de 500 años ha sido devuelta al altiplano boliviano cerca de La Paz. Y según la ministra de Cultura, Wilma Alanoca, esta es la primera vez que restos humanos arqueológicos son repatriados con…

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