Friendly Whale returns phone to woman who accidentally dropped it in the sea.

Norwegian fishermen came across a strangely behaving beluga whale back in 2019, at the port of Hammerfest. The beluga was attracted to people, and it showed up far…

Argentina discovers a 70 million year old fish fossil.

A giant 70 million-year-old fossil of a fish that lived amongst dinosaurs has been discovered in Argentine Patagonia, a team of researchers said on Monday. The fossilized remains…

Some birds or insects could be alien spies sent to watch us, UFO expert claims

One of the most well-known figures in the field of UFO investigation is Nick Pope. He was charged with conducting study into reports of unidentified flying objects to…

The senior scientist says that “UFOs are not aggressive”.

Dr. Richard F. Haines discusses that when viewing UFO phenomenon, it is possible to discriminate between a number of elements in an interview on unexplained aerial phenomena. One…

Was the Giant’s Skeleton Discovered Fighting a Serpent in Thailand?

Which one of the parties ultimately won the princess they were fighting over remains unknown. In 2018 another entry was added to the internet’s collection of giant skeleton…

The Atacama Giant: The Largest Prehistoric Anthropomorphic Geoglyph in the World

The Atacama Giant is a large anthropomorphic geoglyph in the Atacama Desert, Chile. The Atacama Giant is one out of nearly 5,000 geoglyphs – ancient artwork that is drawn into…

Found in West Virginia: Giants

In many of the ancient burial mounds of West Virginia, several “giants” were found in years past. Other large skeletons were found in the early days of coal…

El examen de la primera momia egipcia embarazada hace un nuevo descubrimiento fetal

Los científicos que trabajan en restos momificados en Egipto recientemente hicieron un gran descubrimiento: la momia que pensaban que era un hombre era en realidad una mujer, o…

A 2,500-year-old tattooed “ice princess” wearing “fur” will be on exhibit in public at the next new moon

Ancient mummy preserved by permafrost dressed up for her debut 21st century appearance despite calls for solemn reburial from native peoples. The ‘ice princess’ will be dressed in…

Russian Navy Divers Encountered Aquatic Aliens: The Lake Baikal Humanoids

The oldest and deepest lake on Earth is found in southeast Siberia, close to the border with Mongolia. This area has almost a fourth of the fresh water…

Cementerio de 1.500 años y 200 esqueletos encontrados en una playa con bandera azul

Alrededor de 200 esqueletos medievales bien conservados ahora se han recuperado de una de las mejores playas de Gran Bretaña, dicen los arqueólogos, incluidos 90 solo en las…

Potentially Largest Patagonian Dinosaur Yet

Scientists have unearthed massive, 98-million-year-old fossils in southwest Argentina they say may have belonged to the largest dinosaur ever discovered. Human-sized pieces of fossilized bone belonging to the…