Couple ‘mentally prepares’ after Down syndrome diagnosis

“My husband and I had a difficult time trying to get pregnant. He already had a daughter from a previous relationship, and I knew I might struggle to…

After 7 kids, 3 miscarriages, mom births baby with Down syndrome, ‘he is our extra special little man’

“My husband, Will, and I met in high school, and though we didn’t have an immediate attraction, it wasn’t long after graduation that we began dating, and that…

Mom unknowingly births baby with Down syndrome, ‘I want to shout her worth to the world!’

“We were a family of three for seven years when we learned we were pregnant. We had tried for a second child, which included fertility drugs, laparoscopic surgery,…

Parents shocked by Down syndrome diagnosis after signing paperwork to not do genetic testing, ‘We are keeping the baby’

“Chris and I were married 8 years ago in June of 2011. We couldn’t wait to start our life together and we both wanted kids. When Chris asked…

Mom to son with Down syndrome shares stranger’s act of kindness, inclusion that made her ‘heart swell’

“To the dad at the bounce park… I don’t know you, but your son took off with the ball my son, Cedar, was playing with. Courtesy of Dawn…

Single-by-choice mom births son with Down syndrome, ‘I thought I chose Matthew, but he chose me’

“I have been single for most of my adult life and never lost hope that I would be married. But as I got closer and closer to 40…

After first child is ‘born sleeping,’ mom has son with Down syndrome, he’s the ‘life of the party’

“Some journeys are short and others last a lifetime. For us, the journey started in November 2010 when we first met on a dating website. Things moved forward…

Dad insists he’ll be ‘taking my family to the top, whatever it takes’ despite infant daughter’s Down syndrome diagnosis, then cancer battle

“Our family has been on a wild ride for the last few years. We’re adventurous spirits, but our hearts and minds have undoubtedly been tested. After 3 years…

Down syndrome mom explains the difference between ‘inclusion’ and helping special needs individuals ‘belong’

“As we wrestle with ways to love and care for each other across differences, I want to share some helpful definitions of terms that have helped me break…

Oferendas à deusa Deméter descobertas em templo arcaico na ilha de Creta, Grécia

Aninhado entre dois picos de montanha com vista para o porto, as escavações na antiga cidade de Phalasarna revelaram centenas de oferendas à deusa Deméter nas ruínas de…

Mom says she came to ‘peace’ with her son’s Down Syndrome diagnosis, he became a ‘warrior’

“Eli’s story began years before he was born. After my husband Eric and I had our third daughter we thought our family was complete, so my husband got…

Poekilocerus pictus is a large brightly coloured grasshopper found in the Indian subcontinent

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