7 Best Places For Couples In Italy

1 Are you a couple heading for Italy? Are you hoping to make your stay there a romantic getaway? Italy’s lush green hillsides, cobblestoned streets, olive groves, verdant…

20 Short Hikes In US National Parks

There is quite a lot to see and experience in America’s national parks. The best way to get up close and personal with these parks is by exploring…

The 17 Best Hikes in Olympic National Park

Discover the beauty of Olympic National Park in the US state of Washington, It is a unique national park due in part to its variety of ecosystems and…

Best Winter Escapes in the USA

1Best Winter Escapes in the USA Looking to get out of the house but can’t afford anything too exotic?  If you’re looking to experience a new American wonderland…

She Has Been Dubbed ‘The Little Fighter’ By Doctors

A baby girl who was born with feet the size of fingernails is being praised as an old baby. Little Fighter was born nine months ago at an…

A Mother With A Heart-Shaped Uterus Gave Birth To Perfectly Healthy Twins

Doctors who examined Jennifer Ashud found that she had a bicornuate uterus, a congenital anomaly in which the uterus’ upper, outer border divides into two chambers instead of…

A Pregnant Queensland Mum Gave Birth On The Side Of The Road

While traveling 80 kilometers to the hospital in labor, a pregnant woman in Queensland gave birth by the side of the road. When Saalia Maestrom, a resident of…

Chimpanzees Display Never Before Seen Aggression Towards Gorillas In Gabon, Attacking And Killing Them

For the first time ever, a deadly chimpanzee attack on gorillas in the wild has been documented by German scientists. Altercations between great apes are thought to happen…

The First High-Quality Photographs Of A Black Panther In Kenya Will Leave You Amazed

Sightings of black panthers, especially in Africa, are insanely rare, let alone capturing one on camera. Well, English photographer Will Burrard-Lucas pulled it off in an incredible fashion,…

Native Gray Wolves Spotted In Colorado For The First Time Since The 1940s

Good news folks, I mean wolves, from Colorado! Two wolves have been spotted with multiple pups! Image credit: YellowstoneNPS Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) have announced that they…

Arqueólogos desentierran tumbas llenas de baratijas de la cultura huasteca de México

Los arqueólogos que trabajan en un sitio en el sur de Tamaulipas, México, conocido como El Naranjo, han descubierto tumbas y ruinas del período Clásico de Mesoamérica (250…

Arqueólogo revela esqueleto humano con cuernos de 7 metros de altura durante excavaciones arqueológicas de la década de 1880

“Durante una excavación arqueológica en Sayre, condado de Bradford, Pensilvania, en la década de 1880, se desenterraron varios cráneos humanos”, se lee en la publicación de Facebook. “Estos…