Greek Sailor’s Terrifying 1978 Bermuda Triangle UFO Encounter

Greek sailor Polycarp Spentzas, a radio operator aboard the Pothiti SWJC, had a strange and unforgettable Bermuda Triangle UFO Encounter experience in 1978. In the infamous Bermuda Triangle,…

Mysterious Encounter With A Strange Green Alien Humanoid During The Badajoz UFO Incident

The Badajoz UFO incident is one of the weirdest UFO incidents in Spanish history, as it is connected to the air force of the country. The episode became known…

Two car-sized UFOs followed a US Navy warship and were unaffected by anti-drone weapons

A US Navy warship was stalked by two car-sized UFOs balls of light that were unaffected by anti-drone weapons. Illustrative image. The USS Kearsarge is the latest ship…

The Mysterious Triangular UFOs: Aurora Secret Human Invention Or Extraterrestrial Object?

In the field of Ufology, Flying Triangles are one of the more interesting mysteries. They are huge, triangular, and nearly always black in colour. The Stealth Fighters and…

Three college professors saw many UFOs during the Lubbock Lights UFO Incident

In 1951, a series of unexplained UFO sightings happened in Texas on a number of different evenings, which were reported by a large number of people. Project Grudge…

The Devilish Triangle of Lake Michigan: Mysterious Deaths, UFO Sightings, and Plane Crashes

Countless stories of the Bermuda triangle surface on the internet and each story encompasses mysterious circumstances. Several ships and aircrafts carrying passengers vanished into thin air and were…

The first probe sent to another civilization won’t necessarily be the first to arrive in the game of probes

If we ever detect an Extraterrestrial Civilization (ETC) and start communicating with them, the messages could take years, decades, or even centuries to travel back and forth. We…

The largest radio telescope in the world is used by astronomers to map new features of the Milky Way

Despite everything astronomers have learned about the nature and structure of galaxies, there are still mysteries about the Milky Way. The reason for this is simple: since we…

A first exoplanet discovered by the Webb has been confirmed, and it is the same size as Earth

The James Webb Space Telescope is the most powerful telescope ever launched into space. That power has led to a string of observational successes: ancient galaxies, obscured star-forming…

Scientists Are Learning About Strange “Backsplash” Galaxies

Clusters of galaxies do not appear in an instant. Instead they gradually form through the accumulation of many galaxies. But when galaxies fall in they don’t just stop…

The 13-year-old is cradling a baby that is growing inside of her but yet cannot believe that she is a mother

Cradling the baby she never knew was growing inside her, 13-year-old Charlotte Maddox still cannot believe she is a mum. For months after sleeping with a boy of…

Following the baby’s incredible scowl, the parents became hysterical

For childbirth, the mother from England contacted the photographer. When she first saw her daughter’s face, the woman realized that the girl foresaw the approach of global problems….