191 asteroids that flew by the earth were studied by Arecibo. A new paper has all the data.

Even from beyond the grave, Arecibo is still contributing to new discoveries. Back in October, researchers released a “treasure trove of data” from what was then the world’s…

Alien Encounter, Shots Fired At Mysterious Humanoid Figure, And Missing Time From The North Dakota UFO Crash

In 1961, during a hunting expedition, four men claimed to have encountered a UFO. However, they chose that their identity should be kept confidential. Let’s take a look at…

Blue flames, a UFO landing, and small humanoid beings were all involved in the Lonnie Zamora UFO incident

Here’s a detailed look at the Lonnie Zamora UFO Incident one of the most famous UFO cases ever that have never been solved. Claims made by Lonnie Zamora…

Tall Alien Creature, Flickering Lights, and Super-Fast UFO: The California Alien Encounter

This story is stored in the archives of the MUFON network (the largest UFO organization in the United States) and took place in 2000 in the state of…

The Tombaugh UFO Encounters: Mysterious UFO Sightings of Pluto’s Discoverer

Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered Pluto, tracked its motion between January 23, 1930 and January 29, 1930, the dates on which the first and second photos of…

Strange Call From A 3000-Year-Old Alien Named Shimikus Etua Living Under the Disguise of a Human

There have been various accounts of alien beings surfing the internet, but this enigmatic story about an alien being will surely blow your mind. An incredible account of…

The Unusual Encounters With Aquatic Humanoids

From the dawn of civilization, humans have been confronted with mysterious findings from all around the world, ranging from humanoids to UFOs. However, what really confused the U.S….

The Forgotten 1920s Alien Encounters And UFO Sightings

In those turbulent times between the two world wars, at least a few very strange stories about encounters with mysterious humanoids made it to the newspapers but were…

NASA Images Show A Door On Mars: Illusion Or Proof Of Bases There?

The photos in this news, taken from the official NASA website, were taken on May 7 by the Curiosity rover and appear to show a door on Mars…

Luxury Log Residence Close to Cascade Lake

This beautiful 6,000+ square foot luxurious log home has amazing lake views and is surrounded by pine trees in the middle of a private 80 acre ranch. It…

A Stunning Log Home Estate Of Your Dreams

This beautiful, majestic log home estate is what dreams are made of! This impressive log home is handcrafted out of hand-peeled logs mixed with beautiful stonework and lots…

Stunning Cedar Log Post and Beam House

This flared cedar post and beam home is the perfect family home. Every corner you turn in this beautiful home, you find new unique markings on each log….