‘She’s going blue. I don’t think she’s breathing!’ My heart was racing. ‘Is she choking? Flip her around. Do something!’

“December 2nd, 2017, the day my life changed forever. My baby girl was finally here with me. I should have been high on endorphins and deliriously happy, but…

‘You were meant to be this baby’s mom.’ I remember thinking to myself, ‘Is this really happening?’

“I’ve always known I wanted to be a mother. But that’s not to say I was always ready or even interested in kids. In my childhood and as…

My husband and I didn’t believe them. We saw a baby kicking with a strong heartbeat. We have never felt more confused.’

“Our miracle, Samuel (Sam) Patrick England, was born on January 4, 2018 at 25 +5 weeks weighing only 1lb 4 oz. He has been a miracle from the…

They were having me sign consent forms to keep her alive. He said ‘We need you to understand her life will not be normal.’

“It was just another pregnant Sunday. As a family, we were preparing however we could to welcome a new baby any day. We did every piece of laundry…

We were going to be parents of two children and we weren’t sure if one would survive.

“‘You’re having twins!’ The ultrasound technician looked at us with a huge smile on her face, ‘what? Are you serious?’ We couldn’t believe we were pregnant with twins….

I saw my mother-in-law’s face. She knew. We both knew something was off. I wanted to disappear.’

“My husband and I were married a few months after we graduated college. One and a half years later, we welcomed our beautiful and healthy baby girl. When…

You could see the fear in her eyes. No one was talking. I finally yelled out ‘HELLO!’

“I never really knew what it meant to be a true advocate for a child until we had our last. We were sent to the hospital for a…

That’s what everyone else got and what I wanted too.

“When I placed my order I said, ‘Regular amount of chromosomes, please!’ That’s what everyone else got and what I wanted too. They called me shortly after my…

I never want my child to feel that hurt and pain. The sadness was so deep, it crushed my soul.

“What you see in the picture is completely different than what I see. Courtesy of Erin Statz The only reason why I I know you view it differently…

I couldn’t breathe because I knew. Or at least I thought I did. My heart exploded with relief!

“In June of 2015, just three weeks before reuniting our long-term foster boys with their family, we found out I was pregnant. We were shocked and elated, to…

I couldn’t possibly be giving birth without my two partners present.

“What does Down Syndrome mean to you? Stigma created by society lead us to believe that this condition was a disability, disadvantage and something to be feared. Today…

Late in the pregnancy, they told her there was a chance the baby girl could have it. Deep in my heart, I already knew.

“I was previously married and went through several rounds of fertility treatments including intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization (IVF). These either weren’t successful in granting pregnancy or…