Ancient Sumerians built advanced spaceport, and also launched spaceships and traveled in space 5000 years ago

During a business trip to Dhi Qar in 2016, Iraqi Transport Minister Kazim Finjan made a shocking announcement. The Sumerians, he claims, had their own spaceport and actively…

Dоg Waits 4 Yеars ln Thе Samе Spоt Nеar Thе Rоad, Waiting Fоr His Family

After reading this touching tale, we won’t need any additional evidence that a dog’s loyalty is unquestionable. The tale of Leo, a devoted dog in Thailand who has…

Broken Hearted Husky Can Not Stop Sobbing On The Tombstone Of His Owner

A heartbroken dog cannot handle the loss of his owner. He sobs on his tomb, unable to cope with his loss. This is a true example of how…

For two long years, he spent every day in front of the house waiting for his owner to return in vain

Dogs are the ideal illustration of unwavering loyalty when it comes to humans. An in-depth illustration of such is in this tale. An aged dog in that abandoned…

Sеniоr Dоg Nаmеd Gеrtiе Wаnts 1,000 Hugs Bеfоrе Shе Pаssеs

However, Ms. Gertrude (that’s Gertie, for all you humans) loves to keep things simple and, well, cozy. Some senior dogs appreciate the flare of extravagant bucket lists. This…

A sad dog was helpless and unable to move his rear legs as he lay in the roadway.

The reality for stray puppies is often marked by a chain of misfortunes, some more unfortunate than others, but all of them leave them with physical and emotional…

The Mystery Handbag Of The Gods: Depicted In Mesopotamia, America, Turkey… Thousand Year Old Ago

How is it possible that thousand-year-old depictions of the Anunnaki show the gods carrying a mysterious bag, and halfway around the world, we find the same thing depicted…

In the labyrinth of Ancient Egypt: Confused “coffins” weighing hundreds of tons in Saqqara

Egyptologists argue the massive 100-ton sarcophagi were built to house the remains of the sacred Api Bulls. The modern country we see today was built atop thousands and…

Just as the dog was about to pass away, it was miraculously saved.

Surely we cannot understand how there are people with hard hearts, people who put us to shame. How to understand a person who says he is human and lets…

Explore the ghost town in Namibia

About 100 years ago, the desert town of Kolmanskop in Namibia once flourished, but now it has become a “ghost” town and is gradually submerged by desert sand….

The mystery of the cemetery in the heart of London is suspected of hiding an ancient Egyptian time machine

If you were to stroll through West London’s Brompton Cemetery, you’d notice that – above the gothic tombs, the Celtic crosses, the ivy-strangled gravestones – there looms a…

He sat alone in a corner, humiliated and dejected, furless and terribly ill.

The drama of stray dogs causes us animal lovers a lot of sadness. Forced to fight tosurvive in the midst of the most unhealthy and inhospitable conditions, coupled with the indolence of…