The ten most fascinating Loch Ness Monster’sightings’ captured on video in 2022

Following the outbreak, the Loch Ness Monster has been spotted many times in the Highlands, with fresh camera footage showing a big hump and then two humps emerging…

The Two-headed Mummy of 11,5-Feet-Tall Discovered in Patagonia

Kap Dwa, the two-headed Giant that is oftentimes referred to as one of the greatest fossils of a Giant that we’ve ever come across. If you’ve been researching…

A neighboring galaxy that appears to belong in the early universe is discovered by Hubble

The extremely metal-poor galaxy, nicknamed Peekaboo, relatively recently emerged from behind a fast-moving star. The dwarf irregular galaxy HIPASS J1131-3, nicknamed Peekaboo, is one of the most metal-poor galaxies yet…

Gold miners in Canada found a 30,000-year-old mummified baby mammoth: This is the most complete mummified mammoth discovered in North America

A gold miner found a mummified baby woolly mammoth in the Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin Traditional Territory in Yukon, Canada. According to a press release from the local government, the female baby mammoth…

Hidden pyramid discovered in Antarctica: Definitely indicates it’s not man-made

The History Channel has a well-known show called Ancient Aliens, and during the filming of the show, they accidentally stumbled upon a colossal pyramid that was hidden way…

Ancient Mass Child Sacrifice Discovered by Archaeologists in Peru

The largest known instance of child sacrifice may have been discovered by archaeologists in northern Peru. The skeletons of 140 kids, aged between five and 14, who were…

Where to Build a Lunar Research Station is Being Considered by China

The second Moon race is in full swing, with the world’s two big superpowers angling to score a new set of firsts on the lunar surface. NASA’s Artemis…

Thor the Walrus returns to a new UK beach town following the New Year fireworks spectacle

After visiting Scarborough, a roaming walrus dubbed ‘Thor’ has appeared 100 miles farther down the North Sea coast, prompting a municipality to cancel its New Year’s Eve fireworks….

On Boxing Day, a mother and her young dolphin were rescued after being beached on the banks of a river

On Boxing Day, a mother dolphin and her youngster were discovered trapped in the mudbanks of the River Severn in Newnham, Gloucestershire, and were rescued by onlookers. Julie…

Researchers Are Looking Into An 18th-Century Mermaid Mummy

Strange creature would have been captured by a fisherman’s net in Japan Researchers are investigating a strange artifact in Japan. It is the alleged mummy of a mermaid…

9 Fascinating Discoveries that Changed Our Understanding of Human Evolution

In the last couple of centuries, scientists have uncovered ancient fossils, prehistoric artwork, and other clues to the evolutionary origins of humankind. Here are nine of the most revealing discoveries that…

A dog walker discovers ‘alien-like’ creatures worth thousands of pounds washed up on a UK beach

Photographer Dave McGirr noticed the “amazing” white-shelled items washed ashore on the beach while out on a stroll. He was astounded by the worth of the sea animals….