
NASA and the US Navy have active fleets of ships in Space (video)

There have been various reports that the United States Navy is planning a separate Space Fleet. If official accounts are to be believed, both NASA and the US Navy now have a fully operational Space Fleet.

Their claims are backed up by well-known figures including Daniel K. Inouye, who alleged that there is a hidden government working in the shadows of its own Air Force, Navy, and systems for raising money, and that it is free to act as it pleases.

Many conspiracy theorists and ufologists believe that governments all over the world have hidden and sophisticated technologies, or alien technology.

Former Canadian minister Paul Hellyer once said that aliens from other worlds came to Earth decades ago to assist us in our evolution. Those visits, however, were perceived as a threat, and “our” citizens wanted to shoot them down.

Thousands of billions of dollars have been invested over time on programs that both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have kept secret.

Several prominent astronauts and former astronauts have done the same thing, implying that there are several bits of evidence that they are contacting us and that various alien cultures have been observing us for a long time.

For their propulsion mechanisms, these respond use unprecedented technology such as magnetic rotation, toroids, or disks.


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