
Anunnaki’s Pre-Flood Structure: A 200,000-year-old Ancient City Found in Africa

Many authors assert that proof of the existence of the Ancient Anunnaki may be found all throughout the planet. In this essay, we examine the 200,000-year-old African ancient metropolis.

Millions of people throughout the world genuinely believe that advanced creatures, sometimes referred to as the Anunnaki: “those who descended from heaven,” once inhabited Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The ancient Anunnaki are supposedly still highly developed “alien” civilizations from a mysterious planet in our solar system, according to certain writers.

The largest concentration of prehistoric sites, including the oldest continuously operating megalithic Sun Calendar (Adam’s Calendar), have so far been found in South Africa and Zimbabwe. An estimated 5 million round stone buildings have been found in South Africa.

In 1976, Sitchin released The Earth Chronicles, a collection of volumes that contained his own translations of the Sumerian writings. Sitchin claims that the clay tablets include information about the Anunnaki, an extraterrestrial species that came to Earth to dig for gold. Sitchin virtually implies that aliens once came to Earth in search of gold in order to live on their home planet.

But wouldn’t there be proof of the Anunnaki’s ancestry on Earth if they actually did exist? If Sitchin is accurate, wouldn’t there be evidence of their presence on Earth? On the other hand, the remains of an ancient city discovered in Africa may be the final piece in the Anunnaki puzzle.

A large city with a possible extent of 1,500 square kilometers has been discovered by researcher and author Michael Tellinger 150 kilometers west of the port of Maputo.

Initial research suggests that the ancient ruins are 1,500 square kilometers in size, with only 3.5 meters between each wall. Stone channels connect these structures, which are held together by a massive network of agricultural terraces that span entire hillsides and resemble an endless web of spiders. It’s noteworthy to note that the original structures lacked doors or entrances, indicating that they were not meant to be utilized as homes for people or animals.

Additionally, the discovery of mysterious tools and artifacts in the region suggests that the device’s creator was well-versed in cymatics—the study of wave phenomena—and used sound as a tool.

Many people believe that this historic city was a component of a much larger complex that spanned 10,000 square kilometers. In addition, its age, which is estimated to be between 160,000 and 200,000 years old, is what fascinates me the most about it. The geology of the location is extremely fascinating; because they were situated close to several gold mines, it is believed that they were the first gold miners.

According to Tellinger, author of “Temples of the African Gods: Decoding The Ancient Ruins of Southern Africa,” “Heine had no idea of the enormous finds we would accomplish in the coming years” when he first brought me to the old stone ruins of southern Africa.

The artwork, artifacts, and other evidence we discovered point to a long-extinct civilization that predates all others by many thousands of years, not just a few hundred.

He wrote in his book, “On one of the walls of the old Southern African city, an Ankh (Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic) was discovered.” Do you find it hard to believe that an Egyptian god could have left a mark on the ruins of an ancient city thousands of years before the Egyptian civilization even existed?

He asserted that all of this activity, together with several ancient gold mines, could be traced back more than 100,000 years using various scientific techniques. Additionally, it lends credence to the idea that Sumerian Anunnaki were present on Earth and engaged in gold mining in the Abzu, also referred to as the Sumerian Lower World and situated in Southern Africa.

He said that in order to find and extract gold from mines, enormous quantities of energy were needed to build the vast, circular ruins in southern Africa (Cassidy). He continues to defend his viewpoint:

The stones used to build these ancient, round stone ruins all sounded like bells, which is what initially caught my eye. I understood that this wasn’t a coincidence since these stones were producing a whole unique sound and they rang. The most magnificent crystal or metallic formations (Cassidy) ring like bells, according to the author.

The earliest highly developed civilization emerged at Sumer, an ancient metropolis in Mesopotamia, some 6000 years ago. Based on discoveries in southern Africa, Tellinger theorizes that the Sumerians acquired the majority of their knowledge from an unidentified civilisation that existed thousands of years before them. In his book The Cosmic Code: The Sixth Book of The Earth Chronicles, Sitchin provided a complete timeline of Planet Earth.


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