
Strange Multi-Branched Upward “Ground-To-Cloud” Lightning Was Recorded For The First Time

During heavy storms in Oklahoma City, this incredible lightning shot from the earth to the skies. Several witnesses in Oklahoma City have observed mysterious lightning originating from the ground and hitting into the clouds, which has been photographed and filmed.

Many spectators are perplexed by the strange illumination; most had never witnessed ground-to-sky lightning before. The phenomenon is claimed to be extremely rare, however, it does occur in nature on occasion.

Another strange aspect in the story involves upside-down lightning strikes. These strikes, which appear to occur often at the summits of large skyscrapers, may pierce the clouds and reach heights of up to 90 kilometers in the atmosphere.

“Ground-to-cloud lightning strikes have been documented since the 1930s, but it is only recently that they have become a major worry, with the rising usage of wind turbines.” — Aleksandr Smorgonskiy, a doctorate student at Lausanne’s École Polytechnique Fédérale.

In a conventional impact, the cloud’s negative ions flow downhill and collide with the positive ions pouring above. Positive ions flow upwards more faster in an upside-down impact, making an electrical “circuit” with the clouds and high atmosphere.


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