
Why was Nikola Tesla obsessed with the Egyptian pyramids

The esoteric ideas of inventor Nikola Tesla contained strange hypotheses regarding the Egyptian pyramids.

– Nikola Tesla has a number of peculiar obsessions.

– One of his theories was that the Great Pyramids of Egypt were massive energy transmitters.

– He designed Tesla Towers according to laws influenced by the study of the Pyramids.

Nikola Tesla died a little unnoticed, but his reputation and myth have continued to rise immensely in our days. He is now perceived as the real crazy genius, the man that actually created our days, credited with core ideas that contributed to laptops, wi-fi, AC electrical supply, and more.

Besides the theories Tesla had put into practice and copyrighted, he also had several other interests in various fields of science, some very esoteric. One of the most peculiar was his concern for the Egyptian pyramids, one of the most enigmatic and majestic constructions of mankind.

Tesla suspected that they had fulfilled a greater cause and had been researching them all his life. What did he think so attractive in the pyramids? He wondered if they weren’t massive energy transmitters – a thought that correlated with his investigation into how to transfer energy wirelessly.

In 1905, Tesla submitted a patent in the U.S. entitled “The Art of Transferring Electric Energy via the Natural Media,” outlining plans for a system of generators around the world that would tap the ionosphere into energy collections. He saw the planet Earth itself, with its two poles, as a gigantic electrical engine with unlimited capacity. Its triangle-shaped architecture became recognised as Tesla’s electromagnetic pyramid.

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence,” Tesla said.

It wasn’t just the shape of the Egyptian pyramids, but their position, according to Tesla, that produced their influence. He constructed a tower facility known as the Tesla Experimental Station in Colorado Springs and the Wardenclyffe Tower or the Tesla Tower on the East Coast, which aimed to take advantage of the Earth’s energy field.

The positions were chosen according to the laws of the place where the Pyramids of Giza were constructed, relating to the relationship between the elliptical orbit of the earth and the equator. The architecture was designed for the wireless transfer of electricity.

The Great Pyramid is basically ancient Tesla Tower? How the Pyramids have been made:

Another part of Tesla’s thinking is allegedly tied to numerology. Tesla was, in many respects, an extraordinary personality with addictive qualities. One such fascination was the numbers “3,6,9,” which he considered to be the secret to the cosmos.

He’d travel through the buildings three times before moving in or staying at hotels with numbers divisible by 3. In groups of three, he found other decisions. Some claim that Tesla’s fascination with these numbers is linked to his affinity for pyramidal forms and the assumption that some basic mathematical law and ratios are part of a common math language.

As we don’t know exactly how the pyramids were created and why, certain people consider them to be inventions that could either generate energy or serve as intentionally placed messengers, or even an ancient civilisation code.


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