
A unique jewel-colored sea slug has been spotted in UK waters for the first time

For the first time, an unique multi-colored sea slug has been found in UK seas.

Cornwall Wildlife Trust ?? @CwallWildlife ? 20h A new species of sea slug has been recorded in the UK during #NationalMarineWeek! This incredibly rare and multi-coloured sea slug is just 2cm long. Learn more about the discovery: Allen Murray | @ScillyWildlife @WildlifeTrusts
The species called Babakina anadoni is just 2cm long (Picture: @ScillyWildlife /@WildlifeTrusts)

The species called Babakina anadoni, which is just 2cm long, was found by a diver off the coast of the Scilly Isles earlier this month.

Allen Murray, who is a volunteer ‘seasearcher’ for the Cornwall Wildlife Trust made the find while diving near Melledgan, an uninhabited rock island in the archipelago.

Murray was taking part in the trust’s National Marine Week, and his photograph of the sea slug is the first confirmed record of the species in the UK, according to the Cornwall Wildlife Trust

It has been sighted only a handful of times elsewhere, mainly along the west coast of Spain and further south in the Atlantic, the trust said.

The slug is a member of the aeolid nudibranch family, which are characterised by their bright colours and unusual shapes.

‘We were extremely excited to hear about the sighting of this colourful nudibranch – a species that we believe has never been recorded in the UK before,’ said Matt Slater, marine conservation officer at Cornwall Wildlife Trust and co-ordinator of the Seasearch programme.

‘It’s one of the prettiest sea slugs I’ve seen and, given it’s less than half the size of your little finger, it’s amazing Allen spotted it at all!’

Slater believes that records like this from the Seasearch divers will be vital in helping us understand and better protect our seas.

‘There’s still so much out there that we don’t know about our marine environment,’ he added.

Rare multi-coloured sea slug is spotted in British waters for the first  time | Daily Mail Online

Lucy McRobert, communications manager at Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust, said: ‘We never cease to be amazed at the wildlife turning up in Scillonian waters.

‘From rare and beautiful nudibranchs to violet sea snails to great whales like humpbacks and fins, every time we dive beneath the surface we learn and see something new!’

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