
Eve Was Not Adam’s First Wife

According to some specialists, Eve was not Adam’s first wife and some texts of the Bible were removed to fit the official version of the creation of man.

Specialists suggest that God threw Lilith out of Adam’s way because she was too strong. Thus, Lilith was the first woman ever created, at the same time as Adam.

Texts about Lilith have been removed from the Bible since religious dogmas do not recognize women’s equality to men.

Even though the texts from the Bible were curated with great care, some clues and evidence suggest that God created the first woman at the same time with the man, and not later.

Apocryphal texts tell us that that Lilith had ordered Adam to be with her, which led to a major conflict. This is why Adam asked God to cast Lilith away from Paradise.

She is supposed to have gone into the devil’s arms. Lilith joined Samuel and gave birth to a whole generation of demons. According to texts, God cursed Lilith to be addicted to men’s seminal fluid.

Finally, after that, God realized that Adam was alone again and so He decided to create a second wife for him. Eve became Adam’s second wife and she is the one behind the supreme sin that has led them out of Paradise.


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