
Archaeologists Were Shocked When They Found Out This Baby Was Born After Woman Got Buried

Maybe many people think that people can’t do anything after death, but in 2010, a news came into people’s field of vision, people also gave birth to fetuses in the tomb after death, which sounds really bizarre.

It is understood that in 2010, Italian archaeologists discovered an early medieval tomb. Originally, the appearance of this tomb did not bring much sensation to the archaeological world, but with the excavation of the tomb, archaeological Scientists found the tomb very unusual.

In addition to a complete skeleton, there are also some very small bones between the pelvic bone and the thigh of this skeleton. After splicing them together, it is about the length of a baby’s bones. Such a discovery caused an instant when it was reported. attention of the whole society. Many people are wondering, is this the time of burial, is the child buried with the adult or the child born in the grave after the adult dies?

Most people here will think that adults and children were buried together, but in fact, it is shocking. After a series of analyses by scientists, it was found that the adults in this tomb were about to give birth to full-term after pregnancy. Buried, the child did not appear in the tomb until 10 days after being buried. In addition, scientists also found that there are two holes in the skull of the hostess of this tomb. What is going on?

According to basic common sense, if a woman is pregnant and the mother suffers force majeure damage and dies, then the various organs of the body will stop moving, and the child in the abdomen will also die due to lack of nutrients, so we are very It is easy to conclude that it is impossible for the dead to produce children.

The conclusion is not wrong, but this does not mean that the child will not be excreted after pregnancy. In fact, after the death of a pregnant woman, it is not a very rare thing to have a child successfully born. This is known in the history of archaeology. Called coffin delivery, in the words of the medical profession, it means squeezing the fetus after death.

The process goes like this: after the death of the human body, the various systems of the body stop functioning, the oxygen in the human tissue is also slowly consumed, and the body begins to rot because the microorganisms in the digestive system are also out of control. , the microorganisms in the digestive system begin to erode the remaining protein and water in the human body and reproduce rapidly, thereby producing a large amount of waste gas.

Since these waste gases have no place to be discharged, they will enter various parts of the body with the circulatory system, so that the entire body will swell up, and the internal air pressure will be much higher than the external air pressure. Add a lot of gas, it will be discharged from people’s natural pores.

This phenomenon is also very common in nature. For example, it will also occur in the body of a whale after death. Once the pressure cannot be held, a whale explosion will occur.

If the person happens to be pregnant, the air pressure in the body can completely expel the fetus from the body, but the fetus after birth is definitely in a state of death. The small grass buds that are common in life can break out of the ground, not to mention the powerful gas produced by microorganisms. Although fighting and squeezing the soil is not a day’s work, 10 days may be enough.

It’s just that this matter is not as simple as it seems, except for a circle of stone bricks in the tomb, the archaeologists did not find any material at the site, so the woman was not placed in a coffin or other container, but was directly buried.

According to the archaeologists’ discovery site, the baby’s skeleton is far away, the mother’s pelvis is far away, and there are even some scattered signs. These clues mean that this is not an ordinary coffin birth event.

If a woman is placed in a coffin after her death, there must be a lot of space under her coffin, and there is room for the fetus after being squeezed out, but because the woman was directly covered by the soil when she died, so when the fetus is squeezed out, it will definitely be blocked by mud, so that his son can’t get in or out, but now the skeleton of the fetus is far away from the mother’s pelvis.

In addition, the fetus has been buried in the ground from beginning to end, so the skeleton should be very close to the mother’s pelvis, and it should even be the posture at birth. Now it seems that the skeleton has been opened up, but there is no trace of tomb robbery at the scene.

If you insist on an explanation, it is also possible. Under certain conditions, if the various microorganisms in the body can metabolize for more than ten days, the gas generated can squeeze the soil. Due to the discharge of these gases, the space of the tomb will increase. When it is bigger, all kinds of creatures in the soil will come out. Therefore, when the baby is discharged, it may be nibbled and destroyed by various creatures in the soil, thus making the baby’s bones messy.

In addition to the above two doubts, scientists also found that there are two holes in the skull of this remains. What are these two holes?

There have also been such cases in Western history. In ancient times, Westerners found that some women would suffer from eclampsia or preeclampsia during pregnancy, but the medical technology at that time was not so developed, and Westerners did not know this. What exactly is going on with this disease, various methods have been devised to treat this disease.

One of the treatments is that these diseases appear because pregnant women have weak resistance, so they have attracted demons.

When a demon is trapped in the body, it needs to be released, so at this time, two holes must be drilled in the head, so that pregnant women and children can be redeemed.

After research, it was found that the two holes on the adult’s skull were grooved by metal electrical appliances. Through analysis of the results, the woman survived for about a week after the holes were opened. It can be seen that the woman also survived during pregnancy suffered from pain.

Without going into specifics about the origin of skull drilling, it is worth pondering the fact that the fermentation of microorganisms can cause birth in the coffin.

Nowadays, coronavirus is still raging around the world, and it has also mutated. It can be seen that this epidemic is a big test for our ability to respond. Although we are a part of the earth, there are still many things that we cannot control. I don’t know how much power is hidden in these microorganisms, will it have a huge impact on our future life?

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