
Unbelievable: Mummy of 200-year-old Mongolian monk discovered to be “Alive.”

The story of the “alive” mummy of a Mongolian monk from 200 years ago has shocked and fascinated people around the world.

The mummy was discovered in the Songinokhairkhan province of Mongolia in January 2015. It had been hidden inside a statue of Buddha, which was being prepared for shipping to the Netherlands. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the mummy was that of a monk who had been practicing self-mummification, a process of self-deprivation and preservation practiced by some Buddhist monks in Japan, China, and Tibet.

The monk, who has not been identified, is believed to have died around 200 years ago, and his remains had been mummified using a combination of meditation, fasting, and the consumption of a special tea made from a toxic plant. The tea helped to kill off bacteria in the body and preserve the flesh.

What has shocked scientists and scholars is that the monk’s body appears to be “alive.” Despite being dead for two centuries, the mummy’s skin is still supple, and its veins and organs are still intact. According to experts, this is a sign of “incredibly successful” mummification.

Since the discovery, the mummy has been taken to the National Center of Forensic Expertise in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, for further study. Researchers hope to learn more about the monk’s life, his mummification process, and the reasons behind it.

Overall, the discovery of the “alive” mummy has raised many questions and sparked much interest among scientists and the public alike. It serves as a reminder of the mysteries and wonders of ancient practices and the incredible feats that humans are capable of achieving.

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