
330-foot-tall skyscraper monolith or tower discovered using satellite images close to Area 51

A group of ufologists made a marvelous discovery when analyzing some of the photographs in Area 51, situated in Nevada. Area 51, according to conspirators, is the location where US armed forces execute extraterrestrial technology tests.

It’s a triangular monolith or tower with a rather modern theme. The tower lies on a circular foundation and is measured to be around 330 feet tall. The coordinates are: 37º14’44” N 115º49’22” W

Civilians are not permitted to reach this base, of course. Most conspirators assume that this is a kind of contact station for extraterrestrial cultures. Others assume that this structure is used for teleportation.

Another hypothesis supports the notion that the structure is built to monitor the classified aircraft manufactured by the Americans. Finally, a tiny number of ufologists claim that the system is nothing but a hologram.

The members of Area 51, however, fail to make any statements on the intent of this structure. They always demand that all interested people don’t place their noses where they’re not being questioned. As long as we don’t realize the true facts, we can just guess.

Have a peek at the video below and share your impressions with us.


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