
Grand Neolithic Homes Dating Back 5,800 Years Found in Northern Ireland

In the past, archaeologists exploring near the banks of Lough Foyle in Ireland have found ruins and artifacts linked to the first millennium AD Kingdom of Aileach. But evidence suggests this area was first occupied by a Neolithic culture that was constructing settlements and sacred monuments more than 5,000 years ago. A recent excavation has uncovered some of the best evidence yet proving the existence of this ancient culture and showing how they lived, in the form of ruins and multiple artifacts from two large rectangular houses that date back to 3,800 BC.

Neolithic houses. Source: AI generated

According to the BBC, the artifacts were unearthed during a 2021 dig that took place along Clooney Road just outside Londonderry, Northern Ireland, along Lough Foyle’s southern coast. The excavation that produced this exciting find was launched in anticipation of an upcoming housing project, which could have badly damaged these sensitive ruins if researchers hadn’t gotten to them first.

Future Homebuilding Project Reveals Presence of Homes from the Past

During their eventful explorations, a team led by archaeologist Kay McMonagle from the private firm Northern Archaeological Consultancy found the distinctive outlines of  two Neolithic period homes that were once covered with a large peaked roof. The carved bedrock revealed the presence of dividing walls and solid foundations shaped to support oak planks. Inside the outlined areas of these ancient houses they also uncovered an impressive collection of Neolithic tools , cooking utensils and pottery.

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