
Ancient “anti-gravity” item of undetermined provenance discovered close to the Baltic Sea anomaly

Almost everyone of us already heard of the “Baltic Sea Anomaly.” This discovery made a sensation in 2011 when a bizarre image appeared on the sonar of Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åberg, and their Swedish “Ocean X” diving team while treasure hunting on the floor of the northern Baltic Sea at the center of the Gulf of Bothnia.

Baltic sea anomaly

A strange, circular object found at the bottom of Baltic Sea in 2011 continues to baffle scientists. © Image Credit: National Geographic

It seems that the strange shape of the structure on the seabed was not the only “anomaly”. During the investigation, divers said that there was an anomaly on the surface just above the structure. Any electronic device, even satellite phones, stopped working in that area just above the sunken object.

The team managed to recover a sample from that “submerged structure”. And after conducting a number of lab tests, it was found that the sample contained limonite and goethite. These materials are “metals which nature could not reproduce itself.”

Some experts think it’s a Nazi anti-submarine device or a battleship gun turret. While others believe it’s a sunken UFO of antiquity. Whatever it is, it seems that nobody wants to fund a comprehensive research into the Baltic Sea discovery. The question remains: what really lies beneath?

More interestingly, another incredible thing happened recently ― a bizarre artifact was discovered in the same area where the “Baltic Sea Anomaly” was detected.

Ancient 'anti-gravity' artifact with unknown origin found right near the Baltic Sea Anomaly 2

The appearance of the find is impressive, and so far one can only guess about its real purpose, because if it is investigated precisely, it will take a long time to solve it. © Image Credit: Anomaly

It is a mysterious artifact that was named “an anti-gravity artifact” by Boris Alexandrovich who discovered it on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

After the first analysis, the age of this object seems to be about 140,000 years. This is practically impossible if we look at conventional history. It appears that this ancient artifact has certain bizarre properties. It generates an energy field unprecedented and still not understood by scientists.

Anti gravity baltic sea artifact

It cannot be completely ruled out that the artifact has survived from more ancient civilizations that once inhabited the Earth long before us. Is the civilizations before humans on Earth hypothesis true? © Image Credit: Anomaly

The artifact is also composed of some extremely rare metals on our planet with a purity of about 99.99%. Impossible thing, considering the age of this object.

The analysis of this mysterious object is still in its infancy. And we hope that the researchers’ group that conducted studies on this strange artifact will continue to share the further results and conclusion.


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