
20 Things Leonardo DiCaprio Loves To Spend His Money On

Some of these are surprising and reveal a side to Leo that most people never considered.

Since he first started appearing in movies as a child, Leonardo DiCaprio has captured the attention of the entire world. His acting skills were never really in doubt, and from the very beginning he seemed destined to climb to the very top of the film industry. And he has done just that. Today, Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most successful actors in the world, and one of the most critically acclaimed. And of course, that success and praise comes with a lot of financial wealth. He is one of the richest actors in the world, and his luxurious lifestyle and his various interests reflect this immense wealth.

Have you ever wondered what Leo spends all his cash on? Some of these things will probably surprise you and will show you a side to Leo that you never knew about. Others might be a little more predictable for wealthy celebrities. But one thing is for sure. Leo doesn’t just let his money gather dust in a bank account. He’s definitely not afraid to drop some serious dough on all kinds of things most of us can only dream of buying. And why not? He has worked hard, made a great career for himself, and done something very difficult. It’s only natural to want to reward yourself, and Leo has found many different ways to do this.

He Has A Big Collection Of Action Figures

Sometimes, the things that celebrities spend their money on can be really surprising. Sometimes, they’re not obsessed with the lavish luxury items we would expect, but items that hit a lot closer to home. In many ways, this reminds us that celebrities are just regular folk like us, and this is definitely the case when it comes to Leonardo DiCaprio’s obsession with action figures.

Yup, you heard us right. Leonardo DiCaprio loves his action figures. And he’s willing to spend a pretty penny on the best one. It’s not like he plays with them though (at least not that we know).

Instead, he’s more of a collector, dropping major cash on rare and limited edition action figures that are worth a lot. Rumor has it that he has an especially big collection of Star Wars action figures.

The man is definitely surprising!

He Bought The Piano From Casablanca

Leonardo DiCaprio has established himself as a real collector, not just of action figures, but all kinds of different memorabilia. It should come as no surprise that Leonardo DiCaprio is especially interested in film memorabilia.

As an actor, Leonardo has always been obsessed with older films, and he says that watching the older classic actors like Humphrey Bogart inspired him to get into acting.

It should come as no surprise then, that he would want to buy a “piece” of that classic film, Casablanca, especially if it was one of the movies that inspired him to become an actor in the first place. This is just one piece of Leonardo’s growing collection of film memorabilia, and many have pointed out that Leonardo seems to be starting a collection, and a valuable one at that.

He Has An Extensive Art Collection

Leonardo DiCaprio is also very well known for collecting art. And he’s not just interested in any old painting. He has some very expensive tastes when it comes to art, and his current collection is definitely worth millions of dollars. He’s becoming quite the art connoisseur, and he is frequently seen at art auctions and galleries which display the finest art.

His collection includes pieces from Ed Ruscha, Banksy, and many others. But the altruistic actor often uses art as a way to give back to society. For example, a $125,000 Ed Ruscha painting was purchased by Leonardo DiCaprio as part of a charity auction to raise money for Haiti relief funds. In addition, Leonardo DiCaprio actually donated a popular piece from Banksy to an art gallery, so that the general public could enjoy it as well.

He Shells Out For Baseball Season Tickets

If you know anything about Leonardo DiCaprio, you know that he’s a huge sports fans. He’s known for attending some of the biggest sports games ever, and you can tell he’s a baseball fan because of his love for baseball caps. But it’s not just baseball games he attends. He also has a love for hockey games, and even soccer if you can believe that.

Some of these games are very expensive, and it seems like Leonardo DiCaprio has season tickets for a team from pretty much every sport.

He famously attended a Champions League match in Europe, and fans of this soccer tournament know that tickets for this event do not come cheap. He also famously attended the FIFA World Cup, and tickets for that are expensive too.

He is clearly a big sports fan and is willing to put down a lot of cash for the pleasure of watching games.

He Prefers To Rent His Yachts

Every high paid celebrity has to have a yacht, right? Well, that’s certainly the case with Leonardo DiCaprio. You’ve probably seen paparazzi pictures of the star looking relaxed on a massive yacht worth more than a mansion, surrounded by models who are just dying to get to know him a little better. And this is definitely a big thing that Leo drops cash on.

But you might be surprised that Leonardo is typically more into renting yachts than actually buying them outright. He often rents yachts owned by businessmen, or Saudi royalty, the latter of which once rented Leo the fifth largest yacht in the world.

He often takes his yachts to high profile events, such as the FIFA World Cup of Soccer, or various film festivals.

He Plans To Build Several Eco-Resorts

The latest news that everyone is talking about is Leonardo DiCaprio’s new plans to build a so-called “eco-resort” on an island in the waters of Belize. This island will be designed to attract environmentally-conscious tourists who want to keep their carbon footprint to a minimum while having fun in the sun. It’s an ambitious idea, and one that has got a lot of people talking.

Some of the people in Belize are less than happy about the resort’s proposed construction, which will cost Leonardo DiCaprio millions of dollars.

The fishermen in particular say that the construction of such a resort will disrupt the prime fishing areas off the coast of the island, damaging the environment, and thereby completely defeating the purpose of an “eco-friendly” resort in the first place.

He Bought Bono’s Guitar

It’s not just film memorabilia that Leonardo has been collecting. He also seems to be interested in collecting other items that have special value in other spheres of the entertainment industry as well.

One example is U2 singer Bono’s guitar, which Leonardo DiCaprio bought for $100,000 at a charity auction to raise money for the Haiti relief effort.

Whether or not Leonardo DiCaprio is actually a fan of Bono’s music is yet to be seen, but Leonardo definitely has an eye for things that might one day become extremely valuable in the future. It wouldn’t be a huge stretch to say that this guitar will one day become very valuable indeed – suggesting that this purchase might actually be more of a sly investment than an impulse buy.

He Is Willing To Pay A Fortune For Flights To Outer Space

Since the launch of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket on February 7th, people have started to once again turn their attention to the stars after a long hiatus from manned space flights. But in truth, manned trips to space have been the subject of much discussion, at least among the wealthy elite. People like Leonardo DiCaprio are willing to spend big bucks on tickets to space.

Leonardo DiCaprio has hardly kept his space exploration plans secret. He allegedly bragged to Barack Obama that he would one day visit Mars, and that he had already paid for the flight.

In addition, a wealthy individual actually paid $1.5 million dollars to be on the same flight as Leonardo DiCaprio when the space flight does happen, and this was through yet another charity.

He Buys Cars For His Girlfriends

Leonardo DiCaprio is quite the ladies man, and if you’ve been following his relationship history over the years, you’ll know that he’s dated and had flings with some of the most beautiful models and actresses this world has ever seen. But one of his most talked about relationships was with none other than fellow thespian Blake Lively. The two dated for about a year.

We all know that Leonardo DiCaprio is very passionate about the environment, and it seems this passion inspired him to buy a $40,000 Toyota Prius for his then girlfriend Blake Lively. Praising the car in an interview, the actor stated, “It’s a gasoline-electric midsize car that gets about 50 miles per gallon. We have the technology to make every car produced in America today just as clean, cheap and efficient.”

He Likes To Go All Out On Private Jets

Leonardo DiCaprio is definitely a man who gets around. Flying from one end of the globe to the other is just part of his crazy life, and it’s not always about auditions and acting roles in remote locations. Because Leonardo DiCaprio is very involved in charity and environmental activism, he often travels to give speeches or accept prizes and awards for his involvement in this struggle.

And in order to fly from one end of the globe in style, Leo almost always takes a private jet. Chartering one of these babies isn’t cheap, but the actor has become accustomed to this kind of luxurious travel.

His critics, however, see Leo’s love of flying in private jets as a hypocritical move from a guy who often lectures the world on how we should all reduce our carbon footprint.

These critics say that perhaps Leo should travel first class in order to reduce his carbon footprint.

He Paid A Fortune For The Ruby Slippers From Wizard Of Oz

Another interesting purchase by Leonardo DiCaprio is the famed ruby slippers from the set of the classic film Wizard Of Oz. We all remember this movie growing up, and it left many of us with great memories of watching this as a child. It seems like Leo was another one of these children who enjoyed watching the movie as a child, so much so that he wanted a “piece” of the film all for himself.

But who knows, maybe Leonardo DiCaprio never even saw the movie, and just wants to add to his growing collection of film memorabilia. He actually bought them along with a consortium of other buyers, and ended up donating to the Academy Museum. A representative of the museum stated, “It’s a wonderful gift to the Academy museum project, and a perfect representation of the work we do year-round to preserve and share our film heritage.”

He Loves His Fisker Karma Hybrids

Leonardo DiCaprio is definitely the type of person who loves hybrid cars, but he’s not satisfied with a regular Prius.

In order to really get around in style while not harming the environment, Leo went with a Fisker Karma, one of the hottest sport scar hybrids around. A lot of different celebrities own one, not just Leo.

And you have to admit, it looks pretty awesome. The car costs about $100,000, but Leo wasn’t just satisfied with buying the car. He actually became a major investor in the car company itself. A representative of the company stated, “DiCaprio will work closely with marketing and promotional initiatives to bring attention to sustainability and environmental issues around the world. In turn, Fisker will support the work of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.”

He Pays The Big Bucks For Vitamin C-Infused Showers

Sometimes, the best place to spend money is in your bathroom. Because who doesn’t want the most luxurious bathroom ever? Leonardo definitely understands this mentality, and when it comes to his shower, he only wants the best. One of his more recent property purchases includes a condo with a very special shower. This shower has vitamin C-infused water, which apparently has all kinds of health benefits.

Neal Langerman, Ph.D., of the American Chemical Society’s health and safety division, explained, “Chemically, vitamin C can reduce the concentration of chlorine found in tap water.” It’s also apparently great for the skin and general health. You can understand why an actor would want to invest in such a thing, considering much of their career revolves around their appearance.

He Loves His Luxury Watches

For many, a good watch is the ultimate symbol of wealth. While a car, a house, or a yacht might also exude wealth, a watch is able to be seen right away on the body of the person, meaning that you can always see how classy someone is. Over time, Leonardo DiCaprio has shown us that he has some great taste in watches, and they definitely aren’t cheap either.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s favorite watch brand is obviously Tag Heuer. Over the years, he’s been very involved with this brand, and has shown that he always prefers this brand over all others. They have made some very expensive watches over the years, and one that he has preferred over the years is the Carrera Calibre, which is worth about $4,500.

He Owns Many Pairs Of Designer Sunglasses

Besides watches, Leonardo DiCaprio has also shown a love for sunglasses over the years. This timeless accessory is something that Leonardo DiCaprio is rarely seen without these days. Whether he’s wearing them to simply hide for the paparazzi, or as a fashion statement, you can’t deny that this A-list actor looks incredibly suave and cool in his shades.

Every day, Leo seems to be wearing a different brand of shades.

But this particular photo shows him wearing shades from the Persol brand, and these shades are the very cool “Malcolm McQueen” model. These sunglasses are actually foldable, and are worth about $250

They’re definitely the perfect shades for chilling on a yacht.

He Is The Owner Of Several Properties

Over the years, Leonardo DiCaprio has shown that he is an astute buyer of various properties. He’s constantly buying and selling his various properties, and when he sells, he generally makes a huge profit.

For example, he recently sold a property in Malibu that he bought when he was very young, and this netted him a profit of over $10 million. When it comes to real estate, this star obviously knows what he’s doing.

Along with eco-resorts, private islands, and various mansions, Leo has bought some amazing properties over the years. He has properties all over the world, but his most impressive are within America, on both the East and West coasts. Obviously, the star has a few properties around Hollywood, and these are equipped with all kinds of luxuries.

He Is Always Buying Gifts For His Mom

But if you think Leonardo just buys gifts for himself, you couldn’t be more wrong. He’s just as likely to drop big bucks on gifts for his loved ones. And of course, one person he holds very dear is his mother. This German-born woman isn’t usually in the spotlight, but Leo cares deeply about her and she is extremely proud of what her son has been able to accomplish.

One of the most talked about gifts that Leo gave his mother was a designer handbag worth thousands of dollars. Leonardo actually won this gift after bidding for it in a charity auction.

But perhaps the most interesting detail about the handbag he bought for his mother was that Leo actually managed to outbid none other than Paris Hilton, who also desperately wanted the handbag.

Clearly, he was determined to get his mom the bag she wanted.

He Likes To Own Several Exotic Pets

Another thing that celebrities tend to spend a lot of money on is pets. We’ve all heard some pretty wild stories over the years, but it was perhaps the pet tiger of famed boxer Tyson that gained the most attention. Leonardo might not be interested in tigers, but he is interested in a very different type of animal – the tortoise. This was one of Leonardo’s most talked about purchases.

It’s rumored that he attended a Reptile Breeders conference in California with one of his friends, and was amazed at all the different types of animals. He then ordered a 10-year-old Sulcata Tortoise from a California pet store. This specific type of tortoise can grow up to 200 pounds, and can live for 80 years, meaning that the tortoise will in fact probably outlive the actor himself.

He Is Dedicated To Donating To Charity

Another thing that Leonardo DiCaprio spends a lot of money on is charity. In fact, this might actually be the number one thing that Leo spends his money on. You’ve started to understand this after reading this article so far, as so many of his purchases are through charities and auctions. Alternatively, Leonardo often donates his own purchases to charity.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s most prominent involvement in charity is through his very own charitable organization, The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. The organization is “dedicated to the health and wellbeing of all Earth’s inhabitants, focusing on wildlands and oceans conservation, climate change, and indigenous rights.” While the organization has raised millions for good causes, some questions regarding corruption have been raised.

He Loves To Buy The Rights To New Movies

Leonardo DiCaprio’s passion has always been the art of filmmaking. We know him as the force in front of the camera, an actor able to dazzle any audience. But lately, Leo has been experimenting with getting involved in movie making from another angle. You might not be aware that he actually produced the recent film The Wolf Of Wall Street, a movie which he also starred in. Producing typically means that you spend a lot of your own money on financing the movie.

Leo’s next big movie will be focused on the Volkswagen scandal a few years back, when the company was found guilty of cheating on its emissions tests. The movie will represent a major investment for DiCaprio, who spent big bucks purchasing the rights to this film. If it’s anything like Wolf Of Wall Street, it’s safe to say that we’re in for a treat.

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