
Top 10 Strongest Characters from South Blue


Vasco Shot, known as the “Heavy Drinker”, was one of the legendary criminals who was given a life sentence in Level 6 of Impel Down. He was freed by Marshall D. Teach and is currently a member of his crew.

He is currently one of the Ten Titanic Captains, and the captain of the Eighth Ship of the Blackbeard Pirates. As such, he’s one of the strongest members of the Blackbeard Pirates. He is strong enough to have been contained in Level 6 of Impel Down where only the world’s worst, most dangerous criminals are held. Even more, Vasco was among the strongest Level 6 inmates at the time of his confinement, as when Blackbeard recruited him alongside other prisoners, he chose only those who could survive when pitted against all other Level 6 prisoners in a free-for-all battle royale.


Due to the bionic modifications done to his body, Franky has incredible superhuman strength and durability. The state of the art technology designed by Dr. Vegapunk, with nearly all of the futuristic and technological aspects of the Marines and the world as a whole (i.e. the Pacifista project and the assimilation of Devil Fruits into weapons) have been incorporated into Franky’s upgraded bionic modification. With all this in mind, post-time skip Franky is truly a force to be reckoned with. The scientific weapons that Franky has displayed so far in the post-time skip are noticeably more offensive and destructive than his BF-36 weapons. So far, he has revealed explosive missiles housed in his large shoulders, and a modified “Coup de Vent” known as “Franky Radical Beam”, that fires a powerful explosive laser beam instead of air, along with other powerful weaponry.

The fact that he was able to have laser beams in his arsenal despite the fact it was said that only Vegapunk was able to create them further proves Franky’s engineering mastery. His engineering skills also extend to anatomy as he modified himself into a cyborg and was able to perfectly understand Vegapunk’s notes on animal modification and his Pacifista project.


Bartholomew Kuma is a Shichibukai and a former member of the Revolutionary Army with a bounty of 296,000,000 Berries. He was once feared as an extremely vicious pirate, earning himself the title, “Tyrant”. He is a type of cyborg, a human weapon called a “Pacifista” developed by Vegapunk. Kuma is one of the few people to have completely defeated the Straw Hat Pirates, and is also the only character introduced so far that has defeated the crew single-handedly, twice.

Kuma ate the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, making him a “Paw Man”. A Paramecia-class Devil Fruit, it gave him paw pads on his palms which give him the power to “push” or deflect anything, including the air around him allowing him to not only defend himself from attacks but also to push objects at great speed. Kuma has made numerous people “vanish” by slapping them with one of his hands. It is later revealed that he pushes them away, sending them flying to another destination, which he can choose, even if the destination requires several days to reach.Kuma’s abilities can also be used to create massively destructive attacks. This is displayed by one of his signature moves, “Ursus Shock”, essentially a bomb made of highly compressed air created by pushing the air between his hands.


The full extent of her abilities has not yet been shown, but she is known to be the worst female criminal in the age of pirates, and was imprisoned in Level 6 of Impel Down. Catarina Devon is one of the most powerful female pirates to have ever lived. She is one of the four to survive the battle royale Blackbeard held among the Level 6 prisoners of Impel Down who themselves were the strongest criminals to be imprisoned.

Devon ate the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune, a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows her to transform into a nine-tailed fox. With this power, she can transform into clones of people similar to the Mane Mane no Mi.


“Massacre Soldier” Killer is a member of the Kid Pirates. His style of fighting seems to rely mainly on agility and speed, which he uses to overpower his opponent before they can strike him, or to dodge attacks. He was capable of fighting head on with the fellow Supernova Urouge, though the latter had not increased his muscle mass. He was also capable of fighting head on with Roronoa Zoro at Wano Country.

Killer is seen wielding a pair of gauntlets equipped with scythe-like blades, which he dubs “Punishers”. The blades are capable of spinning around like buzzsaws or simply being used as hand scythes. These weapons can also be used to block other weapons, leaving the foe open for Killer to kick the enemy’s flank or other exposed areas. If spinned at enough speed, the Punishers can generate powerful soundwaves to inflict damage to its target from the inside. This, combined with the agility he has so far displayed in combat and the notion that he is not afraid to kill, makes him a formidable foe. Killer even managed to hurt Kaido with these weapons, a feat only a few people were capable of. Killer possesses immense physical strength, being capable of fighting head on with Urouge, a man twice his size, at the Sabaody Archipelago and with Roronoa Zoro at Wano Country, with Zoro praising his level of power. Killer has incredible levels of physical endurance and stamina, being able to continue fighting after a lighting strike from Zeus and a beating from Hawkins and had enough strength to defeat the latter after.


Portgas D. Ace was the 2nd Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and one-time captain of the Spade Pirates. Ace possessed immense physical strength which was supplemented by his extraordinary fighting skills. He ate the Devil Fruit Mera Mera no Mi, a Logia-type fruit that allowed him to become the element of fire and control the flames from his body. Ace’s Haki had been described by Shanks and Benn Beckman to be fiery in nature, to the point that Ace’s very presence was able to stop blizzards on an island for as long as he was there. As such, when he turned up on Drum Island, no snow fell at all on the island for an entire day. Ace possessed Haoshoku Haki, which he initially had no conscious control over. He first demonstrated the ability at 10 years of age, anyway he has never been seen using Haki apart from during his childhood. He also possessed Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.


Eustass Kid is the captain of the Kid Pirates. Kid has immense strength and resilience and according to Kaido, he can use Haoshoku Haki.Kid ate the Jiki Jiki no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that enables the user to generate magnetic fields that can either attract or repel metallic objects to and from their body as they please.

By using repulsion, he can deflect metal projectiles back to the location they came from, thus turning them back against their users. With attraction, he can strip opponents of their weapons and bring them to their own body, rendering opponents helpless.

The fruit gives the user a sufficient degree of control over their magnetism to accumulate a large amount of metallic objects on their body and form them into specific shapes; the user can then move these masses around very fluidly. Kid has achieved Devil Fruit Awakening, allowing him to bestow magnetic properties onto things other than his own body. Having joined forces with Law, the two Supernovas, often using their awakened powers managed to push Big Mom towards her limits and landing a devastating blow against the feared Emperor, resulting in her eventual defeat.


Lucky Roo is one of Yonko Shanks’ most important men. He’s the first person to kill someone both in the anime and the manga, by shooting a mountain bandit in the head at point blank range.

During Romance Dawn, we see one of Higuma’s men pointing a gun at Shanks’ head, then after Shanks warns him suddenly Lucky Roo appears and shoots him. Now here’s the question, how can a big man like that go there that quickly without being noticed? It is likely that he is based on Lucky Luke (a fictional cowboy -gunfighter- from the “Lucky Luke” Franco-Belgian comic book) that is known as “The man who shoots faster than his shadow”.

Lucky Roo he’s supposed to be a Haki master or, anyway, a master in something different; in particular, many speculated that he uses a technique called “Life Return”. In this case, Lucky Roo eats so much because he is storing energy for a battle. Life Return gives him the ability to control his body; this can be used to turn fat into muscle, or just turn fat into energy.


Kuzan is a former Marine admiral. He was nominated by Sengoku for the position of fleet admiral but after losing the position to Sakazuki, he resigned from the Marines and affiliated himself with the Blackbeard Pirates.

Kuzan has the powers of the Hie Hie no Mi, a Logia Devil Fruit that allows him to control, create, and become ice. In battle, he uses his ice powers to disable and immobilize enemies, freezing their bodies solid just by touching them, and threatening to shatter their fragile forms. This fruit is so powerful that his usage of it during his ten day battle with Akainu permanently changed the weather on one side of Punk Hazard, turning that side into a frozen wasteland.

Kuzan was considered to be a massive asset to the Marines, and his departure left a negative impact to their military strength. This was confirmed by the Gorosei calling him an ‘enormous power’ while discussing his affiliation with the Blackbeard Pirates, to the point of being visibly distraught while doing so.


Sengoku was the fleet admiral of the Marines pre-timeskip, succeeding Kong and preceding Akainu. He was also one of the major figures along with Whitebeard, Shiki, and Monkey D. Garp during the times when Gol D. Roger was still alive, and still continues to be in the present, even after his retirement from the Marines.

Even without his Devil Fruit powers, Sengoku has great strength and speed; he is also shown to have a strong will as he was able to resist Luffy’s unconscious burst of Haoshoku Haki. Sengoku is one of a very small number of people who can use all three types of Haki: Kenbunshoku, Busoshoku, and Haoshoku.

Sengoku ate the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu, a rarer-than-Logia Mythical Zoan-class Devil Fruit which allows him to turn into a gigantic Daibutsu. This ability gives him a massive power boost to his already impressive strength, enough to cause the execution stand to collapse in one indirectly connecting punch, despite the combined effort of Luffy’s Gear Third and Mr. 3’s Candle Wall to absorb the attack. He can also launch an explosive shock wave with a palm thrust, enough to send a majority of the Blackbeard Pirates flying a fair distance.


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