
A close-up of the American deep south’s “road to hell”

The deeper you go, the more the cave swallows sunlight, making people feel like they’re going to hell.

In the state of New Mexico (USA), there is an extremely famous national park with beautiful natural scenery and especially a cave system that goes so deep into the ground that people liken the entrance to the cave. as if “the way to hell” because it is so dark, deep and extremely dangerous, testing the “steel” spirit of anyone who dares to set foot down.

That national park is called Carlsbad Caverns. This park was established in 1923 as a national monument. In 1930, this place was officially declared a national park with an area of 189km2 and was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1995.

Beneath this park is a system of 83 individual limestone caves hidden underground, including a cave called Carsbad with a deep entrance called “Road to the Hell”.

The reason why people call it “The Road to Hell” is for a reason. To get down to the cave, you have to go through an extremely steep and winding, dangerous main road. The cave is so deep that if you calculate the height from the entrance to the main cave, it is equivalent to a 75-storey building and takes an average of 60-90 minutes to travel.

The deeper you go, the more the cave swallows sunlight, making people feel like they’re going to hell. If you want to go to the central area, you must use the lights to see the road. Therefore, this path is considered a challenge to assess the “solidity” of the will. It is said that this route is not suitable for people with respiratory problems or heart disease.

But once you have overcome the arduous road, visitors will be able to admire the beautiful, shimmering scene that is extremely worth it. That is the main cave named Grand Canyon – limestone stalactite cave dating back about 4 to 6 million years old. The cave is formed from water rich in hydrogen sulfide mixed with rain water and oxygen to form sulfuric acid, which dissolves limestone. All create a magical sparkling scene. Besides, there are countless magical bottomless holes such as Giant Dome, Rock of Ages…

It is known that this is the largest, deepest and most prominent cave in the Carlsbad Caverns National Park. However, up to now, geologists have not been able to fully explore the cave, so only a part can be visited.

Ticket price to visit the cave is 1 USD/person. In this cave, there is also a restaurant serving water, bread, mixed vegetables … for visitors. When you go, you will be carefully guided by a guide and arranged to participate in the experience of crawling, climbing ladders, swimming pools, free climbing…

At about 19:45 every night, the bats residing inside will fly out of the cave to hunt. In the summer, there are about 200,000 – 500,000 bats residing in the cave, even the number can reach 1 million bats during the migration season.

In addition to caves, this national park has a lot to offer to explore and enjoy. If there are 100 fantasy caves underground, above, Carlsbad Caverns has a small oasis Rxattlesnake Springs in the middle of the sandy desert with ravishing beauty. In this national park, there are 67 species of mammals living, there are rare species such as black bears, lizards, crocodiles… In addition, there are also native animals of the national park such as: cougars, warblers…


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