
Under the sea, there used to be an alien base called The Dragon’s Triangle.

If you enjoy the Bermuda Triangle story, you’ll enjoy the Dragon’s Triangle story as well, as the two are quite similar.

It’s 60 miles south of Tokyo, but it’s not a good idea to go fishing near it because thousands of people have previously gone missing.

For example, when the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan attempted to seize Japan’s shores in the 13th century AD, he was defeated at sea, losing over a thousand ships and 40,000 warriors before ever reaching the land.

This occurrence was documented because it was one of Kublai Khan’s first defeats, and it badly harmed his mighty fleet.

Many meteorological variations were also documented here, leading the Japanese to assume the Mongolians had been smothered by a Celestial Wind.

Some think this is the location of the ancient Lost City of Atlantis, since its curse still holds true today, luring anybody who gets close to it into the depths of the ocean.

Others say this is a dragon’s lair, thus the moniker “Dragon’s Triangle.” Others, on the other hand, believe there is an extraterrestrial base beneath the surface. What are your thoughts on the subject?

Another mythology that supports this idea is the story of Utsuro-Bune. The first narrative dates back to 1803 in Japan, when two unusual legends began to circulate. Japanese sailors are said to have spotted a hollow ship drifting aimlessly in the Pacific.

The ship’s windows were round in form. The men naturally towed the ship to shore, where they were astounded to discover a stunning lady inside, carrying a box.

The pale, red-haired lady talked in an unusual tongue and dressed in an equally unusual manner. As she returned to her ship and sailed away, the traveler, unable to start up a meaningful discussion, made a hand gesture across the ocean, leaving the sailors shocked.

The next year, Utsuro-Bune, as she was called, would travel the length of Japan’s coast. Despite various theories about her extraterrestrial origins, no one knows who she was or where she came from.


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