
The stone block moved by ancient peoples that weighs twice the weight of the Statue of Liberty

Across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, there are about 50,000 old vertical stones, often known as monoliths or mines. The oldest are about 5,000 years old, and the biggest are well over 300 tonnes. It weighs more than twice as much as the Statue of Liberty.

The stone block moved by ancient peoples that weighs twice the weight of the Statue of Liberty 2Bretagne Morbihan Locmariaquer. © Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

David Childress (Author\Technology of the Gods): “When you look at these vertical rocks, you look back to the Stone Age, and you think, how did these ancient people move all these huge megaliths out there?”

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (Author \ Ancient Astronaut): “The largest of all vertical stones in Europe is called Le Grand Menhir Brisé, the Great Broken Menhir. This stone is located in French Brittany, and when it was a single piece, it had more than 18 meters high. This stone, when it was whole, was estimated to weigh 330 tons. Now explain to me how to transport 330 tons?”

David Childress (Author\Technology of the Gods): “It’s just a colossal undertaking. And there could be some knowledge they had to move very heavy things that, for some reason, we don’t understand today in our technological society. We’ve forgotten some ancient physics that did they know? Or did they have help?”

While not all monoliths are massive in size, Ancient Astronaut theorists wonder why prehistoric peoples, who were already battling to exist, would spend so much time and energy constructing vertical rocks?

David Childress (Author\Technology of the Gods): “When you try to speculate about the vertical rocks and what their purpose would be, you have to wonder, does this have to do with extraterrestrials and something technological that we don’t yet understand?”

On the northwest coast of France lies the most mysterious ‘collection’ of ancient vertical stones ever seen. Extending over 3 km of the continuous countryside, the more than 3000 menhirs are known as the Pedras de Carnac.

The stone block moved by ancient peoples that weighs twice the weight of the Statue of Liberty 3Carnac is a small village, with about 5,000 inhabitants, located in the northwest of France. This is where the Carnac Stones are located, a system of more than 3,000 prehistoric stones. © Image Credit: eagles Idiomas

David Childress (Author\Technology of the Gods): “French archaeologists were able to estimate a date for these upright stones, and it is 5,000 BC. So they say these stones were erected 7,000 years ago, but we don’t know who erected them. we don’t know why they were erected. We don’t know how they moved all these stones weighing tons to their present place.”

Some of these stones are three meters tall and set in massive continuous rows. Some of them run parallel to one another. Some are in a fan. Carnak alignments are rows of stones that run in perfect lines over the terrain for considerable distances.

The stone block moved by ancient peoples that weighs twice the weight of the Statue of Liberty 4Aerial View, Carnac Stone Rows, Brittany, France. © Image Credit:

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (Author\Ancient Astronaut): “This is long before Stonehenge and Avebury and other archaeological sites of the same type. So who were these people? And how were they able to move blocks of up to 70 tons over enormous distances and arrange them in these geometric configurations?”


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