
A 3600-year-old hole full of giant hands discovered in Egypt

An astonishing discovery took place in the fall of 2011 when a team of archaeologists working at the palace of Avaris, ancient Egypt, found the remains of 16 human hands in 14 tombs in the compound. . Two of the pits, located in front of the throne room, each contain a hand. And the remaining two holes, located outside the palace, contain the remaining XNUMX holes.

The team of archaeologists who made the discovery have determined that all of the bone fragments are dated to about 3,600 years ago, suggesting that they all stemmed from the same ritual. All hands appear to be unusually long or even larger than normal. They are classified into four different tombs in the area that scientists believe to be the real Hyksos complex.

Austrian archaeologist Manfred Bietak, in charge of excavations of the ancient city of Avaris, explained to the Egyptian newspaper Archeology that the hand seems to support the stories found in his works and art. In ancient Egypt, this is the first physical evidence that soldiers cut off the right hand of their enemy for a reward of gold.

In addition to cutting off an enemy’s hand as a symbolic means of eliminating enemy forces, the meaning of this ritual will also be supernatural as this is performed in a sacred place and temple as part of the ritual. of the ritual.

So far there is no proof to what kind of person these hands belong to. It is not yet known whether the hand belonged to the Hyksos or the Egyptians. When Bietak was asked to explain why he believed the ritual might have been performed, he said: “You take his power forever. Our findings are the first and only physical evidence. Each dime represents a different ritual.”

Two pits each containing a hand are placed directly in front of the throne room. This part of Egypt was once controlled by an occupying force most historians believe was originally the Canaanites, so there may be a connection to the invasion. Other hands, which may have been buried at the same time or later, were found on the grounds outside the palace.

These sacrifices are not surprising in a region facing a foreign invasion. The Egyptians often called on their gods to punish invading armies with plague, famine, or general misfortune. Maybe these sacrifices were part of a curse against the invading army.

Much more remains to be investigated, but many indications indicate that this is some kind of ritual for a god or gods. People don’t really know to whom these hands belong. But the fact that the hands are unusually large shows that these people were specially chosen, which is more characteristic of a sacrifice than slaying an invading army.

The fact that the hands were buried separately may suggest that these offerings were specifically intended to please the gods, furthermore it could enter the theory of Hyperborean civilization, where some writers Ancient literature commented that this civilization was extremely large, that they had come from Lemuria, where that continent was submerged by the waters of the Indian Sea.

This discovery could reveal the true story of a civilization of enormous size, where the discovery of these giant hands could shed light on old stories, discussed before, only are allegories or inventions of conspiracy theorists.


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