
The Huge Ancient Monolith of Tlaloc is The Representation of a Spaceship

Tlaloc is one of the most well-known ancient Gods of Mesoamerica. He is considered a giver of life and sustenance.

At the same time, he was able to send hail, thunder, and lightning. He is also the lord of the element water, which is the reason for his representation in the form of water-dwelling creatures.

Maybe, because of that, could date his existence back to the “great flood”. Even though this god is Aztec, he was worshiped by basically all Mesoamerican ancient civilizations.

The most impressive representation of this god is a megalithic statue from Caotlinchan. The statue was made from basalt and carefully carved.

But the most curious thing is how those ancient civilizations carry such a colossal statue from one place to the other. Its weight is estimated to be similar to that of the Moai statues from Easter Island.

Why someone would venerate a water god so much? Maybe it can be related to some kind of collective trauma inspired by myths and legends?

Finally, is worth mentioning that back in 1964 the monolithic statue was transported to Mexico City, and when it arrived an unusual and devastating storm occurred. What do you think this means?


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