
The ship that went missing 58 years ago in the Bermuda Triangle was finally found by nomads in Libya in the middle of the Sahara Desert

A group of Tuareg nomads made an astonishing discovery while travelling through the “Great Sand Sea” region of the Sahara Desert in Eastern Libya: the remains of a ship gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle in 1963.

There has been mysterious reports about Bermuda Triangle.

It is a region in the Atlantic ocean where neither ships nor aeroplanes have managed to pass through, and there is no clear evidence of what happens there.


However, a group of nomads from the Tuareg community have been reported to have made an astonishing discovery as they were travelling through the Great Sand Sea region of the Sahara Desert in Eastern Libya.


The nomads are said to have found the remains of a large ship that went missing in the Bermuda Triangle in 1963, approximately 58 years ago.


The nomads are said to have discovered the remains of a 500-foot long ship that weighed almost 16,000 tons in the middle of the desert, a distance of more than 1,200 miles inland from the Mediterranean Sea.


The discovery has been reported as a very unusual occurrence that has ever happened the nomads who found it.


But the mysterious discovery was even stranger than it really appeared.


The huge ship’s identity was revealed as the SS Marine Sulphur Queen, a T2 tanker converted to carry molten sulphur, and was noted for its disappearance in 1963 in the dangerous and well known Island called Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic ocean, and carrying 39 crewmen onboard.


The military personnel in Libya has since deployed several of its soldiers to protect the wreck from the looters as investigations by some of the National Police officers is going on to try to determine how the ship got to Egypt, many miles away from where it got lost.


The Libyan National Army spokesman Muhammad al-Zarih, has said there are no signs of the 39 crewmen onboard the ship during its sinking were found, neither were there corpses or personal belongings in the ship.


“The cabins are totally empty, the cargo has disappeared and even some parts of the ship are all gone.


The only items that we have found seem to be linked to the looters rather than the crew.” the army spokesperson said.


Mr. al-Zarih Muhammad has also said the wreck appears to have been there for many decades now and it is seen to have visibly been looted several years ago.


“There were soviet cigarettes butts and packaging from the 1980’s crew onboard, as well as cans and trash from the same time period, which seems as if the ship had been inhabited by squatters.” He said


Muhammad al-Zarih, the Libyan Army spokesman has also said the looters and squatters have greatly compromised chances of determining how the ship got from the coast of Florida, where the Bermuda triangle is to the middle of the Sahara Desert.


The police officers carrying out investigations have however expressed hope to find out clues on board that could greatly help in explaining the mysterious fate of the ship and its crew members.


The SS Marine Sulphur Queen was reported to have disappeared in the early 1963 near the southern coast of Florida, with 39 crewmen onboard.


During the investigations, the Coast Guard team discovered that the ship was unsafe and not seaworthy, and should not have been allowed to sail.


The final report by the Coast Guard investigators had suggested some four causes of the disaster, which are all due to poor design of the ship during manufacturing its and maintenance before and during the sailing.


According to the Libyan military spokesman, the discovery of the remains of the ship that went missing many decades and more than 10,000 miles from its last known location suggests the cause of its disappearance may have been totally different from the one reported by Coast Guard investigators in Florida.






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