
Shocking ancient tomb in an ancient cemetery in Egypt: 9 skulls of “mythical monsters” lie around the mummy

Archaeologists working at an ancient cemetery in Egypt have opened two ancient tombs containing not only mummies but also 9 terrifying “monster” skulls.

According to Ancient Origins, themonsterhas been identified as an ancient Nile crocodile, not embalmed but wrapped in cloth and arranged around the dead as a special ritual.

Scientists from the Center for Mediterranean Archeology at the University of Warsaw made the remarkable discovery when they were excavating at the Cemetery of el-Asassif, an ancient burial site just west of the road leading to the site. The famous Hatshepsut Funeral Temple.

Shocking ancient tomb: 9 mythical monster skulls lying around the mummy - Photo 1.

Pieces of monster remains from the ancient tomb were brought to the laboratory – Photo: Patryk Chudzik

According to Heritage Daily, two ancient tombs have been excavated since 2013. Preliminary findings show that one of the tombs belongs to a person named “Cheti”, a high-ranking official under Pharaoh Nebhepetra Mentuhotep II. (reigned from 2055 to 2022 BC).

IdentityMummies2 is still a mystery to this day.

The 4,000-year-old crocodiles in the grave may not be considered just ordinary worms, as in Greek mythology, the Nile crocodile or the West African crocodile is the embodiment of the god Sobek.Shocking ancient tomb: 9 mythical monster skulls lying around the mummy - Photo 2.

God Sobek in Egyptian mythology – Photo: REALM OF HISTORY

God Sobek sometimes takes on the form of a real crocodile, sometimes a person with the head of a crocodile, associated with the power of the Pharaohs, fertility and military prowess. He was also seen as a protective deity who helped against the dangers posed by the Nile.

Cultural Anthropology - Kappa Monsters - Kappa Szörnyetegek

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