
Child’s skeleton dating to 5700 B.C. discovered in Arslantepe

The skeleton was found during continuing excavations at the Archaeological Site of Arslantepe, which is located in the eastern Malatya province, in a house that dates back to the Late Chalcolithic period. Child was a member of a noble family in the Late Chalcolithic era, according to beads on the skeleton’s arms and neck.

According to the head of excavation, a recently discovered 5,700-year-old skeleton in eastern Turkey is believed to have belonged to a child.

The skeleton was found during continuing excavations at the Archaeological Site of Arslantepe, which is located in the eastern Malatya province, in a house that dates back to the Late Chalcolithic period.

“We discovered beads on the child’s arms and neck that we had never seen before. These beads show that the infant came from a noble household, according to Marcelle Frangipane, the excavation’s director, who spoke to Anadolu Agency.

According to Frangipane, a professor from Rome’s Sapienza University, scientific research at Arslantepe is ongoing, and the infant is believed to have lived between 3600 and 3700 B.C.

The skeleton will reveal information about the lifestyle of the time it belonged to after being examined by specialists from the Anthropology Department of Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey.

“The excavation team estimated the child’s age to be between 6 and 7, although more research is needed. She continued, “The trauma may have caused the child’s death.

Frangipane added that they are awaiting the examination’s findings to learn the child’s gender, genetic make-up, age, and cause of death as well as the child’s food.

Arslantepe, a four-hectare archaeological mound that is 30 meters tall and five kilometers (three miles) from the city center, was added to the UNESCO Tentative List of World Heritage on April 15, 2014.

Arslantepe excavations have reportedly been going on since 1961 on behalf of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Italian Archaeological Expedition of the Sapienza University of Rome, according to the UNESCO.

Arslantepe was the home of numerous civilizations, including the Hittites, Romans, and Byzantines. Remains from the Late Chalcolithic Era, dating to 5000 B.C., and the Iron Age were discovered there.

Lion statues, an upside-down sculpture of a monarch, an adobe palace with more than 2,000 seals, and other artifacts were discovered d


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