
“Beings Made Of Light” Discovered In Tibet

Although little known, within the regions of Tibet and India, more than 160,000 documented cases of people transforming into a body of light Energy exist.

Although scoffed at by modern science, it this hard to believe the claim has also been made throughout the ages, by numerous figures, religions, and even scientific journals and research…

Commonly known as The rainbow body.

"Beings Made Of Light" Discovered In Tibet? | Mind body spirit, Tibet,  Scientific journal

”Although this can vary from region to region, within Islamic areas, for example, it is known as “the most sacred body” or the “supra celestial body.”

Yogic schools and Tantric teachings call it “the divine body,” while in Kriya yoga it is referred to as “the body of bliss.

Taoists refer to it as “the diamond body,” and those who have attained it are named “the immortals” or “the cloud walkers.” The ancient Egyptians called it “the luminous being” pronounced as “karast.”

In the Mithraic liturgy, it was dubbed as “the perfect body.” The Hermetic Corpus referred to it as “the immortal body,” while in the Emerald Tablets it is named “the golden body.”

Tibetan monks have even been said to have reached this state within the last century.

The documented case of Khenpo Achö in 1998 for example, documented by Catholic priest Francis Tiso, a Gelugpa Monk of Kham, Tibet. He is said to have managed to transform his body into a body of light, an event witnessed by the entire monastery and indeed Francis himself.

David Steindl-Rast, conducted a scientific investigation with the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 2002, with the sole aim of studying the phenomenon of the Rainbow Body, saying that, quote, “If we can establish it as an anthropological fact, then the resurrection of a figure such as Jesus has not only happened, to but is happening today, it would put our view of human potential in a completely different light.” End quote.

According to Father Tiso, Khenpo Achö’s body started changing soon after his last breath. His skin turned shiny white, and his appearance began to change. Khenpo Achö’s was eventually wrapped in a yellow robe which all Gelug Monks wore. As the days passed the body of Khenpo Achö started shirking. And After seven days had passed, no light remained.

The Body Of Light In Tibetan Buddhist Tradition - Look4ward Store

The event was well-recorded by local press who gave specific accounts of what had occurred and “The Rainbow Body event” subsequently appeared in the Institute of Noetic Sciences Review 59 March to May 2002.

Astonishing claims will obviously require astonishing evidence, and with capabilities of technology since Khenpos passing having dramatically improved, it may only be a matter of time before this remarkable phenomenon, is recorded and documented beyond doubt.


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