
Ski star Victor Muffat-Jeandet airlifted to hospital as he shows off horrific broken nose after surgery

VICTOR MUFFAT-JEANDET took to Instagram to show off his brutal wounds from his horror crash on the slopes.

The ski star, 33, was involved in a dramatic fall last Saturday while on the giant slalom at the Ski World Cup in Adelboden, Switzerland.



Competition chiefs initially suspended the event for ten minutes as Muffat-Jeandet received treatment.

The Frenchman was then airlifted to hospital in Bern around 45 miles away for surgery after the incident occurred during the first round.

Muffat-Jeandet is held in extremely high regard in skiing circles, having won a bronze medal at the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Updating fans on his injury, he wrote on Instagram: “Some news after my fall yesterday.

“I was flown straight to the hospital in Bern because I was bleeding profusely and they were afraid of physical shock.”

He then added: “My hand was sewn up in the evening and there doesn’t seem to be any tendon or nerve problems, the broken nose is open, she was also operated on right in the middle of the night.”

His post featured four gruesome snaps from hospital.

In them, Muffat-Jeandet can be seen with his face still bloodied and nose bandaged.



Despite his horrific injuries, he managed to smile and pose for a snap with pal Romain Velez.

On his Insta post, he continued: “Unfortunately, my left knee is not doing so well.

“But thank you all for your kind messages and attentions.

“And above all, I would like to thank the Adelboden rescuers and all the Bernese hospital teams, who took very good care of me.”



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