
On the head of the Sphinx, there might be a door to a lost city that could lead to discoveries that will change history.

The biggest and most famous sphinx in the world is in Giza, Egypt. Southeast of the Giza pyramids is where you can find the Great Sphinx. Egyptologists still can’t agree on how long ago it was built.

Some people say that it was built between 2600 and 2500 BCE by the pharaoh Khafre. Some people think it’s very old and was made before Khafre was king. People think it was built between 10,000 and 5,000 BCE.

The Great Sphinx of Giza is surrounded by a lot of mystery. As of this writing, archaeologists are still looking for answers because more old history is still being buried under the sands of the Giza Plateau.

A Doorway To A Lost City On The Head Of The Sphinx Could Lead To Discoveries That Will Change History

The Way of Life That Died

The digging started in 1935, and one of the most surprising things found was the “Secret Metropolis,” an ancient Egyptian city that was once thought to be 4,000 years old.

But it didn’t turn out as well as it could have. Because of this, Egyptologists at the time focused on the tombs of queens and graves that were dug very deep into the ground during the 24th Dynasty, which lasted from as late as 732 BC to as early as 716 BC.

You have to wonder why this amazing discovery of a whole underground city from 4,000 years ago didn’t make the news. Why wasn’t it found? At the time, Egyptologists thought that the chambers under the Sphinx were either closed or full of water, so they couldn’t dig any deeper. So, they didn’t do much about it.

The Mysteries of the Head

In 1798, a hole was first seen in the top of the Sphinx’s head. Then, in 1920, a photo taken from a hot air balloon of the Sphinx was used to confirm the size of the opening.

Its body is made of one thing, and its head is made of something else. Even though it’s hard to tell because of erosion, it’s likely made of more than one thing.

When you look at the mythical creature quickly, you can see that the torso is a brighter color than the head, which has smooth edges.

A Doorway To A Lost City On The Head Of The Sphinx Could Lead To Discoveries That Will Change History

The Giza Sphinx

The Great Sphinx of Giza is a big limestone statue that is 4,500 years old and is close to the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt. The Great Sphinx is one of the world’s largest monuments. It is 240 feet (73 meters) long and 66 feet (20 meters) high. It is also one of the most well-known pieces of ancient Egyptian history, even though its origins and history are still a matter of debate.

A Doorway To A Lost City On The Head Of The Sphinx Could Lead To Discoveries That Will Change History

The book “Revelation”

Modern Egyptologists have been given the job of finding out what has been hidden under the Sphinx all these years and figuring out all its secrets. But some scientists don’t want to talk about it.

Expert on Egypt’s past Zahi Hawass says that there is nothing to hide in the area around the Sphinx. But a lot of people disagree with him and say that he wants to keep the accepted view of ancient Egyptian history, even though several new discoveries go against what is now thought to be true.

What are Sphinxes?

A sphinx, also called a sphynx, is a creature that has the body of a lion and the head of a person. In Egyptian, Asian, and Greek mythology, it is a very important figure.

In ancient Egypt, the sphinx was a spiritual guardian. It was usually shown as a man with a pharaoh’s headdress, like the Great Sphinx. Figures of the creatures were often found in tomb and temple complexes. For example, Sphinx Alley is a two-mile road in Upper Egypt that connects the temples of Luxor and Karnak and is lined with statues of sphinxes.There are also sphinxes that look like the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, like the one made of granite at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the big one made of alabaster at the Ramessid temple in Memphis, Egypt.


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