
Are aliens invading Australia? Bizarre theories emerge after a huge ‘fireball’ is spotted in the morning sky

The mysterious object was spotted hurtling across the horizon during the early hours of the morning with some commenting ‘potential alien encounter – very hush, hush stuff’

A bizarre ‘ball of fire’ has sparked a whole host of alien conspiracy theories after it was spotted in the sky above Australia.

The strange object, which was seen hurtling across the horizon just after dawn in Sorell, Tasmania, led many to believe it could be a sign of alien life on earth .

But the actual explanation for the mysterious UFO was actually a little less exciting.

Lee-Anne Peters posted to footage on Facebook alongside the caption: “A spectacular plane coloured by the rising sun.

Huge fireball is spotted in the morning sky

The ‘fireball’ was spotted early in the morning (Image: Storyful)

“Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Spotted here in Sorell just after 6.30am, Tuesday 28th Feb, 2017.”

But while many accepted Lee-Anne’s theory, others believed the strange object was a fireball – while other conspiracy theorists claimed it was the work of aliens.

According to an astrophysicist, the spectacular phenomena was not a meteor, because it was moving far too slowly.

Huge fireball is spotted in the morning sky

The strange object was actually a plane (Image: Storyful)

Huge fireball is spotted in the morning sky

But some conspiracy theorists believe it could be evidence of aliens (Image: Storyful)

If it had been a meteor , it would be travelling at tens of kilometres a second and would have cleared the sky in the blink of an eye.

The physicist added: “It’s definitely high altitude and the twin tails correspond with a contrail from planes.

“Given the time of the day, it looks like the water vapour was being illuminated from below by the sun.”

But not everyone was convinced by the footage.

One Facebook user wrote: “This isn’t a bloody plane, wake up people.

“If it was a plane then damn that would be one burning big a** plane. Planes don’t leave flames so how bout you all open your f****** eyes and get some perspective.”

Another added: “I read it was a UFO and sightings of landing with police sectioning the area off.

“Very hush, hush stuff. Potential alien encounter.”

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