
Aliens are hiding among us until humans are ready, claims ex-Israeli space boss

The extraterrestrials struck a deal with the US government to stay hidden and will only reveal themselves when humanity is ready, former space boss Haim Eshed claims

A former space boss claims aliens are hiding among us after striking deal with US government (Image: Getty Images)

Aliens are hiding among us after striking a deal with the US government, a former Israeli space boss has bizarrely claimed.

Professor Haim Eshed, 87, says extraterrestrials have struck a deal with the US to stay silent while they conduct experiments on Earth and will only reveal themselves when mankind is ready.

The retired general, who headed Israel’s space programme for almost 30 years, claims the aliens have a secret base on Mars, the Jewish Press reports.

But according to the professor, the alien race had to intervene to stop Donald Trump from blowing their cover and revealing their secrets.

Professor Haim Eshed, who has a doctorate in aeronautical engineering, says he has “nothing to lose” in sharing the information ( Image: Haim Eshed)

The former Israeli space boss suggests the alien visitors come in peace ( Image: Getty Images/Collection Mix: Sub)

Speaking to Israeli newspaper Yedioth Aharonoth, Prof Eshed said: “The aliens have asked not to announce that they are here. Humanity is not ready yet.”

“The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here. Humanity is not ready yet.”

According to Prof Eshed, MrTrump alsonegotiates with senior extraterrestrials via calls to world leaders such as Kim Jong-un.

He added: “Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying ‘wait, let people calm down first’,” he told the Israeli paper.

Aliens had to stop Donald Trump when he seemed to be “on the verge” of revealing their secrets, the former space boss claims ( Image: AFP via Getty Images)

( Image: Getty Images/Westend61)

“They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.”

The term ‘Galactic Federation’ has been used in works of science fiction, including the TV phenomenon Doctor Who.

Prof Eshed did not say how long the aliens have been hiding in the shadows but claims they have signed a contract with the US “to do experiments here.”

He said the extraterrestrials will not reveal themselves until mankind has evolved and reached a stage where we will “generally understand what space and spaceships are.”

Prof Eshed also claims the alien race have a secret base on Mars ( Image: Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF)

Prof Eshed holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering, a master’s degree in performance research and a doctorate in aeronautical engineering.

The respected academic suggests that some of the presumed contact took place during Trump’s leadership and referred to an agreement between the US government and the alien race.

He claims the extraterrestrials, who come in peace, wanted to study “the fabric of the universe” by working with American agents.

Despite being faced with baffled responses, he says he now has “nothing to lose” in coming forward with this information following his many degrees and awards.

Prof Eshed added: ” If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalised.

“Wherever I’ve gone with this in academia, they’ve said ‘the man has lost his mind.’

“Today they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose.”

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