
Man says aliens ruined his marriage and his career by giving him ‘an implant’

A man believes that aliens ruined his relationship and his career by abducting him and giving him an implant in his arm, adding that his perspective on life has now changed

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A man believes that aliens have ruined his life by inserting a nanochip into his arm – resulting in his wife leaving him and causing him to lose his job.

Steve Colbern claimed that he had been taken aboard a UFO “hundreds of times” by aliens that looked like “typical greys”, and that he’s been abducted so many times that his perspective on life changed.

As the Daily Star reports, the US resident explained that the incident began when he found a UFO hovering over his avocado tree, before he was then pulled up into the spaceship by a green light beam.

Then, he was led to a medical station and told to lie down and when he returned to Earth nothing was the same – so Steve believes he was given an implant that has changed his life.

An alien

The man said his abductors placed something in his arm ( Image: Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF)

Speaking to the podcast, he claimed: “He used a long instrument that was like a piece of stainless steel tubing that had a fibre-optic inside that transmitted ultraviolet light and had a device on the end that would dispense the implants and put them into the subject.”

Once the abduction had been concluded, Steve noted, he experienced a changed perspective on life.


He continued: “It does make it a lot more difficult to get along down here… It seems almost irrelevant sometimes, the things that humans do.”

And, despite the fact that Steve claimed his wife had experienced similar episodes, he suggested that the event was the reason behind their eventual divorce.

He confessed: “My wife was not too pleased finding out about this, and blamed me for it.

“I think that was pretty unfair, but that’s just how people react; it destroys relationships routinely.”

Steve also revealed that his urge to investigate the paranormal had led to him losing his job, when he was dismissed after using company equipment to try to analyse the suspected implant.

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