

A little less than a 60 miles from the capital Budapest, located in the municipality of Egerszalók in the province of Heves, lies one of the most evocative wonders of Hungary. The terraced pools of Hungary are beautiful springs of thermal water, a natural phenomenon that mother nature has reserved for only two other places in the world: Pamukkale in Turkey and the Mammoth Hot Springs of Yellowstone National Park in the USA.

The beneficial waters of Egerszalók are rich in calcium, sodium, magnesium and sulphur. They spring from a depth of 410 meters and reach temperatures of 65-68 degrees. Over time, the incessant flow of water has created a true lunar landscape, a spectacular expanse of about 1200 square meters formed by very white terraced pools. This hidden treasure, discovered in 1961 during an excavation for oil and natural gas, is today considered one of the most popular spas in the country by patients suffering from joint and rheumatic diseases.

In 2007, modern spa establishments were born, equipped with covered tubs, saltwater pools with hydromassage, saunas and spaces reserved for wellness treatments. This natural oasis is the perfect place where you can indulge in pampering and relaxation to find the right energy. If you are in Budapest, be sure to take a trip to this paradise by taking advantage of the daily tours that leave for Egerszalók Terme at 8:00 in the morning and return at 5:00 in the evening.


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