
UFO is filmed in the sky in Mexico as expert claims aliens are ‘increasingly monitoring us’

A UFO filmed shooting through the the sky in Mexico shocked drivers but an expert claims that aliens are monitoring us.

The footage of the mysterious object was shot alongside a busy road and sparked a number of theories about what the vertical flying object was.

A woman who was travelling on the road in the state of Baja California in Mexico uploaded the video to the internet where it was picked up by UFO expert Pedro Ramirez.

Aliens on Earth? UFO Sighted In Mexico Triggering Conspiracy Theories  (Watch Video) |

Mr Ramirez claimed the potiential UFO was the ‘first sighting of 2018’.

He said: ‘You can see that the tubular UFO is flying vertically over the city.’

He also claims that there has been increased alien activity during the last two months of 2017.

He added: ‘Aliens are aware that we have made a number of space launches recently and have identified that we have been sending up ‘war material’.

‘Concerned by our activity, they have been increasingly monitoring our planet.

‘This year will be very important for those of us who follow this phenomenon closely.’

A UFO filmed shooting through the the sky in the state of Baja California in Mexico shocked drivers and a woman can be heard asking 'what is that?'But UFO expert Pedro Ramirez believes there is an extraterrestrial explanation. He said that Aliens are aware that we have made a number of space launches recently and have identified that we have been sending up 'war material' so they are monitoring us more closely

A UFO filmed shooting through the the sky in the state of Baja California in Mexico shocked drivers and a woman can be heard asking ‘what is that?’ during the video

Pedro believes that forthcoming launches by NASA and SpaceX  will lead to an increase in UFO sightings.

He said: ‘Some of these space missions have ‘suspicious objectives’ that alien beings are aware of.’

In the video, a woman can be heard saying ‘what is it?’ as she follows the UFO with her camera.

The unusual object is clearly visible in the recording, silhouetted against the dramatic skyline.

The video was shared 50,000 times by netizens who were either concerned by the sighting or utterly unimpressed.

Some suggested that the UFO was someone testing a jetpack or that the video had even been faked.

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