
Archaeologists find 4,500-year-old double tomb in ‘discovery whole world is watching’

Archaeologists have discovered a double tomb dating back to the time of the Pharaohs at the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities has announced.

Khaled Anany said the archaeological mission removed 450 cubic metres of sands to uncover the 4,500-year-old tombs amid the ancient cemetery containing well-preserved burial shafts.

Beneath the sands near the pyramids on the outskirts of capital Cairo, a striking Old Kingdom burial site was revealed to contain the remains of a priest and a noble, along with a fine limestone statute.

Egypt  reports the excavation mission in the south-eastern part of the pyramids plateau began in August 2022.

Archaeologists find 4,500-year-old double tomb in 'discovery whole world is watching' - World News - Mirror Online

Egyptian media were told the newly discovered tombs date back to the fifth dynasty of the Old Kingdom, when Pharaohs still ruled the ancient lands in the period between the early 25th and mid-24th century BC.

The General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mostafa Waziri told a press conference the dig uncovered tombs containing two closed coffins, known as sarcophagi, as well as archaeological relics belonging to priests.

World-renowned archaeologist Zahi Hawass reportedly told the press conference the coffins contained the remains of a priest to King Khafra, and and a noble named Khuwy.

Archaeologists find 4,500-year-old double tomb in 'discovery whole world is watching' - World News - Mirror Online

An Egyptian archaeologist works at the newly discovered burial site dating back to circa 2500 B.C ( Image: REUTERS)

The archaeologists also uncovered inscriptions in good condition, according to Egypt Today.

The officials told media the tomb had been reused during the 26th dynasty, the Late Period of Ancient Egypt (664-332 BC) before the Persian conquest.

An Egyptian archaeologist works on a sarcophagus at the newly-uncovered site ( Image: KHALED ELFIQI/EPA-EFE/REX)

Sarcophagi are seen inside a burial shaft at the Giza pyramid plateau ( Image: AFP/Getty Images)

The mission uncovered the ancient burial site while researchers were documenting a collection of pyramids that belonged to King Djedkare Isesi, who was the Fifth Dynasty’s eighth and final ruler.

In the burial site, archaeologists reportedly found an L-shaped offering room decorated with partially reserved reliefs.

The white limestone in the ancient cemetery had been reused to construct other buildings, leaving only the bottom part of the decoration preserved to be uncovered thousands of years later.

The details of the ancient sarcophagus ( Image: AFP/Getty Images)

The two sarcophagi uncovered at the Tomb of Behnui-Ka and Nwi ( Image: REUTERS)

Another room used as a burial chamber was also reportedly uncovered and was found to contain a completely destroyed coffin.

The latest Egyptian dig also uncovered fascinating relics of the Ancients’ burial processes.

Local reports say the archaeologist found oils and and resin remnants used by Ancient Egyptians during the embalming process among the two sets of human remains.

Archaeologifts shifted huge swathes of sands to get to the ancient tomb site ( Image: REUTERS)

The Tomb of Behnui-Ka and Nwi, was uncovered near Egypt’s Great Pyramids ( Image: REUTERS)

Egypt been promoting its series of archaeological finds lately in hopes of boosting tourism interest in the country.

Travel to the region has suffered a slump due to unrest in the wake of Egypt’s 2011 revolution.



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