
Notable People That Have Seen UFOs or Know of Their Existence

William Shatner: is a UFO believer, saying, 'There is no doubt that there is life out there; the mathematics of it lead you to that absolute conclusion. In my mind, there is no doubt that the universe teems - with life in all its form'

William Shatner: is a UFO believer, saying, ‘There is no doubt that there is life out there; the mathematics of it lead you to that absolute conclusion. In my mind, there is no doubt that the universe teems – with life in all its form'(Image: Getty Images)

Tom Cruise: In a controversial book it is claimed the superstar actor made comments stating he is on the planet to save people from aliens by converting them to Scientology

Tom Cruise: In a controversial book it is claimed the superstar actor made comments stating he is on the planet to save people from aliens by converting them to Scientology(Image: Getty Images)

Muhammad Ali: Claims to have seen and been watched by UFOs on sixteen different occasions and even saw a 'mothership'. He said, 'If you look up in the sky in the early morning, you see them playing tag between the stars'

Muhammad Ali: Claims to have seen and been watched by UFOs on sixteen different occasions and even saw a ‘mothership’. He said, ‘If you look up in the sky in the early morning, you see them playing tag between the stars'(Image: Getty Images)

Ronald Reagan: 'Fight the alien invader', The former American President and actor once asked in a summit for help in fighting aliens in case of an alien invasion. He also held private screenings of alien movie, 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'

Ronald Reagan: ‘Fight the alien invader’, The former American President and actor once asked in a summit for help in fighting aliens in case of an alien invasion. He also held private screenings of alien movie, ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind'(Image: Getty Images)

Elvis Presley: As a child he witnessed UFO sightings and in adulthood saw strange things in the sky. When he was 8 years old, he said he was telepathically visited by aliens who showed him a future vision of 'a man wearing a white suit singing to a crowd'

Elvis Presley: As a child he witnessed UFO sightings and in adulthood saw strange things in the sky. When he was 8 years old, he said he was telepathically visited by aliens who showed him a future vision of ‘a man wearing a white suit singing to a crowd'(Image: Popperfoto/Getty Images)

Robbie Williams: Took a break from his singing career in 2006 to study aliens, attending UFO seminars and conferences. He even said a UFO visited him when he wrote the alien themed song 'Arizona'

Robbie Williams: Took a break from his singing career in 2006 to study aliens, attending UFO seminars and conferences. He even said a UFO visited him when he wrote the alien themed song ‘Arizona'(Image: Getty Images)

Mick Jagger: While partying at Glastonbury Festival in the 60s, the Rolling Stones frontman claims to have seen a 'rare, luminous cigar-shaped mothership.' After which he installed a UFO detector on his estate!

Mick Jagger: While partying at Glastonbury Festival in the 60s, the Rolling Stones frontman claims to have seen a ‘rare, luminous cigar-shaped mothership.’ After which he installed a UFO detector on his estate!(Image: Getty Images)

Stephen Bear: The reality star declared: 'I look at the world differently, I believe in aliens' as he entered the Celebrity Big Brother house in 2016

Stephen Bear: The reality star declared: ‘I look at the world differently, I believe in aliens’ as he entered the Celebrity Big Brother house in 2016(Image: Getty Images)

David Bowie: David's work long reflected his fascination with extraterrestrials, saying 'a projection of my own mind trying to make sense of this quantum topological doorway into dimensions beyond our own'

David Bowie: David’s work long reflected his fascination with extraterrestrials, saying ‘a projection of my own mind trying to make sense of this quantum topological doorway into dimensions beyond our own'(Image: Getty Images)

Prof. Stephen Hawking: Hawking's believes in UFOs and extraterrestrials, stating in an interview 'Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the Government is hushing it up.'

Prof. Stephen Hawking: Hawking’s believes in UFOs and extraterrestrials, stating in an interview ‘Of course it is possible that UFO’s really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the Government is hushing it up.'(Image: Getty Images)

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