

Sorvagsvatn, the lake hanging over the ocean

Sorvagsvatn, also called Leitisvatn, is located in the northern part of Vagar, an island located in the Danish archipelago of the Faroe Islands. The lake is known for the singularity of its position, close to a precipice on the Atlantic which from its rocky plateau appears to overlook the ocean. In reality, it is a magnificent optical illusion. Its elongated shape and the wonderful plays of light, influencing perspective, help to deceive the human eye, giving the impression of a surreal inclination.

This natural beauty spans an area of 1.5 square miles and is the largest lake in the archipelago. Despite appearing to be hundreds of meters higher than it is, it is just 30 meters above sea level. It is a truly suggestive natural phenomenon which has led the inhabitants of the two opposite shores to contend for the name of the lake. A very heated debate, which fails to bring together the citizens of the north-west who call it Sørvágsvatn, while those in the south-east call it Leitisvatn.

Sorvagsvatn attracts tourists from all over the world, a lake that seems literally suspended above the ocean, surrounded by one of the most fascinating and spectacular landscapes on the planet. It is a breathtaking lake, one of the absolute wonders that only the pristine and wild paradise of the Faroe Islands can offer.


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