
The team of scientists found the ancient huge UFO that had lain dormant in the gorge for more than 4,000 years

A specialist group of professionals was reportedly engaged a few months ago to go over trash discovered in the Grand Canyon. It was said that when they got at the spot, they found a UFO’s body that had been there for more than 4,000 years.

Recent reports state that a UFO crash site has been found close to the Grand Canyon. This is what we found after compiling as much information as we could. Let’s hear what you have to say about it. A group of academics recently looked into garbage discovered in the Grand Canyon. They claimed to have found a UFO corpse that had been there for almost 4,000 years when they arrived.

The crew reported that the item was made of an unknown metallic composition and had radiation indicators. They transferred the spaceship to a far more secure military facility as soon as they knew it was radioactive.

Dr. Henry Leaumont asserts to be an expert who knows where the UFO crashed in the Grand Canyon. He stated that the ship was rather large and could accommodate at least twenty passengers.

When they entered the spacecraft, the researchers discovered that the cabin room was built for humanoids with heights between 4-5 feet. The ship employed magnetic steering and was powered by atoms.

The ship was at least 100 feet long and around 50 feet broad, according to Dr. Henry Leaumont. He also thinks that the US government is taking every precaution to hide the disaster.


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