
Is this Ancient Greek Laptop Another Proof that Time Travel is Possible?

As you can tell from the title itself, what appears to be a modern-day laptop has been spotted in this carving of a young girl in ancient Greece. Could this be a coincidence or proof of advanced technology in ancient times? Could this be proof of time traveling technology being out there already?

It does appear so, as more and more similar discoveries have been made, which showcase the fact that many alien species out there or even humans from the future are currently helping their ancestors by going back in time and introducing them to advanced technology.

Experts believe that the concept of time traveling in itself is possible as we are already reaching new heights as far as technological advancements go. We could essentially have time-traveling machines within the following couple of years.

The carving in itself is known as “Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman with an Attendant,” and according to most experts, it showcases the offering of a rather strange object that appears to look a lot like a laptop.

The woman also appears to be sitting on an armchair, and on the side of the laptop, you can see two holes which could be USB ports after all. You can find it at the J Paul Getty Museum yourself if you’re currently in California. It’s worth a visit.

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