
Unidentified “Triangle UFO” Seen Over Islamabad

To the naked eye it seemed like a black round rock but as I zoomed in, I could see it was roughly the shape of a triangle,” said Arslan Warraich

A UFO hunter has captured footage of a mysterious object in the sky over Pakistan. Arslan Warraich says he spotted the unidentified flying object over Islamabad while landing his drone. The extraterrestrial enthusiast managed to capture 13 minutes of footage which has set the Internet abuzz.

According to The Sun, Mr Warraich spent two hours observing the “bulging triangle UFO” as it hovered over the city’s posh DHA 1 district. The 33-year-old businessman, who is formerly from Birmingham, filmed the UFO from several angles.

“I filmed it for over 12 minutes at different times, took dozens of pictures and observed it for the best part of two hours,” he said. “I still don’t know what it was.”

“To the naked eye it seemed like a black round rock but as I zoomed in, I could see it was roughly the shape of a triangle with a clear bulge on top towards the back,” Mr Warraich said while describing the mysterious object.

The video has racked up thousands of views on YouTube, where it also sparked a spirited discussion around aliens and UFOs.

“While we won’t know what it was, it was superbly documented in your video,” wrote one person in the comments section. “How incredibly strange. Some sort of secret balloon style drone?” another speculated.

According to The Mirror, Mr Warraich said the object was not a drone or a bird. “I don’t know what it was, but I know what it wasn’t – it wasn’t a bird,” he said. “I actually got birds in the clip while I was filming this thing. I fly drones myself so I know it wasn’t a commercial drone either.”

UFO of Interest, a Twitter page dedicated to fact-checking sky anomalies and UFOs, speculated that it could be a kite.

This, of course, is not the first time that a UFO video has set the Internet abuzz with alien theories. Last year, multiple people reported seeing a mysterious blue UFO over Hawaii. The sighting led to much speculation about aliens, downed airplanes and more.

To the naked eye it seemed like a black round rock but as I zoomed in, I could see it was roughly the shape of a triangle,” said Arslan Warraich A UFO hunter has captured footage of a mysterious object in the sky over Pakistan. Arslan Warraich says he spotted the unidentified flying object over…


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