
All 20 One Piece Characters Who Have Awakened Their Devil Fruits!


Kuzan has the powers of the Hie Hie no Mi, a Logia Devil Fruit that allows him to control, create, and become ice. He can create enough ice to cover a giant, a Sea King or several square miles of ocean within mere moments. He was even able to freeze the tsunamis created by Whitebeard, despite their size surpassing that of Marineford. In battle, he uses his ice powers to disable and immobilize enemies, freezing their bodies solid just by touching them, and threatening to shatter their fragile forms. Like other Logia users, he is capable of breaking himself into his particular element to avoid damage from most physical attacks.This fruit is so powerful that his usage of it during his ten day battle with Akainu permanently changed the weather on one side of Punk Hazard, turning that side into a frozen wasteland. This may be a hint that he has awakened his devil fruit.



Sakazuki possesses the Magu Magu no Mi, a Logia-class Devil Fruit which grants him the ability to transform his body into magma and manipulate it at will, as well as produce near-limitless amounts of it. As a Logia, Sakazuki can let physical attacks pass through him without injury, and can only be wounded with the use of Haki, Seastone, being caught off guard, and his elemental weakness.His ability is naturally of a higher order than Ace’s pyrokinetic abilities, as the higher heat and smothering abilities of his magma allowed him to successfully harm Ace despite Ace’s Logia-defense, and ultimately kill Ace due to this superiority. The destructive heat and explosive powers from the magma enables Akainu to cause massive damage, and to take on people like Emporio Ivankov and Jinbe with minimal effort. During the decisive ten day battle on Punk Hazard for the position of fleet admiral, Akainu showed the furious power of his Devil Fruit as he changed the weather of one side of Punk Hazard and left it in a blaze. Since he was able to change the environment into magma and lava, we can assume that Akainu has awakened his Devil Fruit.


Magellan has eaten the Doku Doku no Mi, a very powerful Paramecia-type Devil Frui that allows him to generate and manipulate poison. His most infamous technique is a three-headed dragon called the Hydra; the attack is composed of corrosive liquid poison that causes lethal nerve-paralysis and melts the victims at the same time.Magellan’s ultimate attack is Venom Demon: Hell’s Judgment which appears as a gigantic, skeletal-looking demonic beast, and Magellan has stated that the poison used is powerful enough to “destroy Impel Down itself.” Not only is the poison more lethal and caustic than Hydra, but it also spreads out from any surface it touches, literally “infecting” everything, including stone.There’s no confirmation in the series, but considering what we know about Paramecia Awakenings (giving you greater control of the environment) and what we’ve seen Magellan do, it’s possible that he has awakened his devil fruit.


Minotaurus is one of the five Jailer Beasts in Impel Down and the first one to appear. He has eaten an as-of-yet unnamed Zoan type Devil Fruit that allows him to become a cow. Because he is an “Awakened Zoan”, he is able to recover rapidly even after suffering high amounts of damage.


Minozebra is one of the five Jailer Beasts of Impel Down. He has eaten an as-of-yet unnamed Zoan type Devil Fruit that made him permanently become a zebra. He’s an “Awakened Zoan” too.


Minokoala is one of the five Jailer Beasts of Impel Down. He is an “awakened” Zoan Devil Fruit user that ate a devil fruit that allows him to turn into a koala.


Minorhinoceros is one of the five Jailer Beasts of Impel Down. He is an “awakened” Zoan Devil Fruit user, having eaten a Devil Fruit that allows him to turn into a rhino.


After the death of its previous owner, Carmel, Linlin somehow acquired the powers of the Soru Soru no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to manifest peoples’ souls as an ethereal substance that she can grab hold of, so long as the intended victim feels fear. She can then steal the soul from the victim, taking away their lifespan by an amount of her choosing.Once she has them, Big Mom can infuse the stolen souls into objects to give them life, turning them into beings called homies, which act as her servants. Nearly anything can be made into a homie, including animals, plants, minerals, liquids, furniture, food, buildings and even intangible things such as fire, air, and light. Anything made into a homie gains human-like attibutes, such as the ability to walk and talk. The only things that cannot be made into homies are people and corpses.Recently we have seen some techniques that could prove to be the result of Soru Soru no Mi Awakening: while souls cannot be infused into living beings, the user themself appears to be an exception to a certain extent. It is possible for one to sacrifice a portion of their own lifespan in exchange for extra power and size, with the amount of strength gained being dependent on the strength of the soul. In addition, the user can turn their individual body parts into Homies themselves, allowing said parts to act independently of the user’s own normal bodily functions. Big Mom, for example, can give life to her own skeleton and order it to restructure itself in case of broken bones, thus providing an unique form of self-healing.


Crocodile ate the Logia Devil Fruit, Suna Suna no Mi, allowing him to become, generate, and manipulate sand. He has mastered his ability to the point of perfection and can turn into sand reflexively if attacked; this became especially obvious after Doflamingo cut his head off while he was distracted.While in a desert area, his powers make him nearly invincible. Crocodile has the ability to create huge sandstorms, make multiple bladed weapons out of sand, and create quicksand.He can also suck all the moisture out of any object, living or non-living, by touching it with his right hand. This ability allows him to utterly destroy his surroundings, killing and macerating any biological substances via dehydration.Crocodile said it himself that he achieved perfection of his devil fruit meaning he has awakened it.


Doflamingo ate the Ito Ito no Mi which grants him the ability to create and manipulate strings. He usually moves his fingers accordingly to bend them as he pleases for either manipulating people like puppets or bifurcating his targets. The strings are extremely thin and some may even be invisible, making it almost impossible to notice and avoid them.Using his “Parasite” move, Doflamingo forces comrades to fight (and even kill) each other, while Doflamingo himself sits at the sidelines and watches. He has shown himself capable of controlling large amounts of people at the same time without any apparent effort.The strings can also be used for cutting, allowing Doflamingo to effortlessly slice off body parts and destroy weapons. He can also glide or fly in midair by attaching his strings to clouds, creating a “Sky Path”, as seen when he did so to cross over the seas to reach Punk Hazard from Dressrosa.Doflamingo’s mastery of his Devil Fruit is so advanced that he was able to awaken his powers, being able to even turn his surroundings into string.


Katakuri ate the Mochi Mochi no Mi, a special Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that lets him create, control, and transform into mochi at will. His mochi is extremely thick and adhesive, allowing him to trap even extremely strong enemies with it, although it loses its effectiveness when exposed to moisture. The fruit allows Katakuri to avoid physical attacks seemingly like a Logia user, although instead of the attacks simply going through his body, he uses his superior Kenbunshoku Haki to predict where he’ll be hit and change the shape of his malleable mochi body accordingly to dodge with minimal movement.He frequently uses these abilities in hand-to-hand combat, sprouting several tendrils of mochi on his body to act as extra fists or legs; he can imbue these tendrils with Haki to deliver hard punches and kicks. By concentrating mochi into a single fist, Katakuri is capable of delivering punches of devastating power.Katakuri has also awakened his Devil Fruit powers, enabling him to transform inorganic material into mochi, enhancing the range of his attacks and capture field.


Tesoro ate the Gol Gol no Mi, which allows him to manipulate gold he has touched at will. He can use this power to create huge fountains of liquid gold, trap his enemies, and infuse gold dust and flakes into other people’s bodies so that he can then slowly transform their skin into gold. He is also able to create gold armor that grants increased power and defense.. He can manipulate it to the extent that he can create and pilot a massive golden golem, the size of a skyscraper.Since consuming his Devil Fruit he has been able to awaken its powers, furthering the range of his influence over gold and enabling him to use all of the gold in Gran Tesoro that he has touched as a complex sensory network. Through this he is able to detect attempted break-ins or attacks on the city. When utilizing large gold constructs he is also capable of unleashing focused light beams or explosive force that have an incredible destructive power.


Bullet ate the Gasha Gasha no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to disassemble inanimate objects and assemble them into anything he wants with his mind. With this power, he can form a large variety of mechanical creations, most notably creating exoskeletons to significantly augment his physical power.Bullet has awakened his devil fruit, allowing him to disassemble objects from a greater range. With his awakening, he can essentially restructure the landscape of entire islands by assembling their features as he sees fit, and create and inhabit a colossus whose physical presence is unparalleled.


Kaku ate the Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit given by his boss, Spandam, which allows him to transform into a giraffe-human hybrid and a full giraffe at will, massively increasing his strength, weight, and durability, while also lending him the benefits of unusual features, such as the greater reach afforded by the long neck of a giraffe.Upon awakening, Kaku’s Human-Beast form undergoes a physical transformation where their size increases, their body becomes slimmer, their already long neck becomes longer, and dark flame forms a “mane” down the user’s back, arms, neck, and chin, plus a stream of floating dark flame wraps around the user’s shoulders.Unique among Zoan Fruits, most notable animal-based ones, according to Shaka, this “awakening” should have taken control of the user’s personality, but Kaku maintained his.


Kid ate the Jiki Jiki no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate magnetic forces. He can attract and/or repel metal objects as he pleases, and he can also create magnetic fields that allow him to arrange metal objects into various configurations and constructs.Kid can arrange the metal objects stuck to his body into a variety of shapes, with his most common technique being to form a gigantic metal arm to unleash powerful attacks with.This power makes Kid a very dangerous opponent against fighters who use metal weapons, since he can either repel metal projectiles, such as cannonballs and bullets, or attract his enemies’ blades and guns towards himself to use as building material for his own attacks.Kid has achieved Devil Fruit Awakening, allowing him to bestow magnetic properties onto things other than his own body. By his own admission, he has not fully mastered his awakened powers and it takes a serious toll on his stamina.


Law ate the Ope Ope no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows him to create a sphere of light blue aura, inside which he can manipulate the fabric of space.Inside the aura sphere, he can exert complete control over the fabric of space, referred to as the ability to “operate” on anything within the spherical “operating room”; he can move things within the area of the sphere telekinetically and make things, including himself and other people, swap locations via teleportation. However, he cannot move other people with strong Haki very far, as they possess more resistance to Law’s power.He can also swap incorporeal things, such as souls, resulting in the victims swapping bodies. He is also able to cut things from a distance and without actually damaging them, as well as reassemble things into various combinations; he can even attach living body parts to inanimate objects. Living things cut into pieces by this power remain alive and still able to move, even if the head is removed from the body.Law can use his power to generate high voltage energy; he can generate electrical energy to shock his opponents, and he can generate a blade of energy that he can use to damage his enemies internal organs without leaving an external wound.This power can also be used for medical purposes.Law has achieved Devil Fruit Awakening, allowing him to create and adhere a miniature room to his weapons, which then gain the ability to harmlessly bypass anything solid and directly operate on the insides of whatever they may phase through. This directly addresses one of the fruit’s biggest weaknesses, which is the stationary nature of its field of range. Puncture Willie is one of Law’s most destructive awakened techniques. Law positions himself on top of a downed target and pierces them with Kikoku, pining their bodies down to the floor as his sword continuously extends downward and phases through the ground or whatever is in its way. Once Kikoku reaches a certain depth, Law releases a powerful shockwave that implodes everything solid pierced by the blade, causing massive damage to living beings and creating huge holes on rocky surfaces. This move was strong enough to cause a massive crater near the Flower Capital and was first used against Big Mom, visibly injuring her to an extreme degree.


Rob Lucci ate the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard is a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a leopard hybrid and a full leopard at will, making the user a Leopard Human.As Zoan class Devil Fruits enhance physical capabilities the most, it is most favored by martial artists like Lucci, who is able to integrate the unique traits of his Devil Fruit, such as claws and stronger legs, to greatly enhance the effects of his techniques. Also, being a carnivorous animal, Lucci is more bloodthirsty and predatory than a regular Zoan class user, proven when he mauled Luffy as an actual leopard.By using Seimei Kikan, Lucci can transform his bulky hybrid body into a more slender form. This smaller body greatly increases his speed, but at the cost of decreasing his Zoan enhanced strength.Lucci has also achieved Devil Fruit Awakening, letting him assume a new, much more powerful hybrid form, which greatly enhances his physical strength, speed, as well as his recovery rate. Unlike most Awakened Zoans, Lucci’s personality was not overtaken by the animal nature of the Devil Fruit.


Ryokugyu ate the Mori Mori no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create, control, and transform his body into plantlife.Ryokugyu can generate large quantities of plants to unleash overwhelming large-scale attacks; when attacking the Beasts Pirates, he turned his fingers into sharpened tree branches and freely grew them to impale dozens of enemies over a large area with ease. Additionally, Ryokugyu’s plants can rapidly absorb any liquid they touch, which includes dehydrating living creatures after impaling them, leaving them as shriveled husks.It has also been shown that ordinary grass, trees and flowers grow in his wake, on any surface Ryokugyu touches, resulting in him leaving behind a trail of plants wherever he walks. This was shown when Udon, which is known to be a barren and desolate area was shown with greenery for the first time in many years. This may be a hint that he has awakened his devil fruit.


Kaido ate the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu, a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a full serpentine Azure Dragon and a human-dragon hybrid at will.By breathing flames in the shape of a dragon around his body, Kaidou can coat himself in a layer of heat so intense that it can instantly melt substances that come in contact with it, such as stone, discouraging physical attacks. Aside from his fire breath, Kaidou can also release other elemental attacks from his mouth; he can release bolts of lightning by roaring, or invisible, sharp wind blades by blowing. By twisting his massive body, Kaidou can create tornados which can blow his enemies off the battlefield and into the air.Kaidou has mastered his Devil Fruit powers to the level that he can access some of his draconic abilities without needing to transform, such as generating Flame Clouds to levitate Onigashima. He was even able to do so while battling against five members of the Worst Generation alongside Big Mom.While not explicitly stated, it is very likely that Kaido showed his awakening form during his fight with Luffy as noted by many.


Luffy ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi, originally known as the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika, a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into the legendary “Sun God” Nika and gain his attributes, namely a body with the properties of rubber.Once the fruit is awakened, the user undergoes a drastic transformation. Their hair becomes fiery and white, their eyes become more manic-like, and they gain a strange wisp around their body. They also gain the ability to freely alter their physique however they desire, being able to inflate their muscles without the need to blow air into them. In addition, they can alter the environment around them in a similar way, such as using the ground to deflect oncoming attacks. This also extends to living beings, as Luffy can manipulate flesh as if it were rubbery. Similar to previous developments of him using the fruit, Luffy dubs his awakening “Gear 5”. Kaido likens the awakening of the Gomu Gomu no Mi to being like a Paramecia’s awakening while simultaneously displaying a Zoan’s ability to transform.According to the Five Elders, the fruit had not been awakened for centuries prior to Luffy’s having done so. They consider that preventing the fruit from awakening might be worth incurring the wrath of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, suggesting that they greatly fear the fruit’s power.

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