
Detecting 2,000-year-old red remains, revealing terrifying secrets

Experts have found a set of red remains about 2,000 years old.

During excavations on the old beach of Herculanem, Italy, experts found a set of red remains about 2,000 years old. The test results reveal an unexpected secret.

Over the past several decades, archaeologists have conducted a number of excavations in the town of Herculanem, Italy, and have made important discoveries. Among these, they found a set of red remains about 2,000 years old.

The research results of this distinctive red skeleton reveal unexpected secrets. Specifically, the researchers said, the skeleton belonged to a man who died when he was about 40-45 years old.

This man was one of thousands of people killed in the tragic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

This volcanic tragedy buried a large area in Rome. In it, the entire town of Pompeii near the volcano Vesuvius was engulfed in huge volcanic ash. The people of Pompeii turned into “living statues” with all sorts of poses: people sleeping, people working, people running.

Not only that, the surrounding towns, including Herculaneum, were also severely damaged when the Vesuvius volcano erupted.

The red remains discovered in Herculaneum have been identified by experts as possibly a person trying to flee from the Vesuvius volcanic disaster.

According to experts, this man almost escaped because he was close to the sea edge or maybe a soldier came to rescue people.

As for the reason why the remains are red, experts say this color comes from the man’s blood. The victim had a painful death when a wooden roof fell on his head and broke his skull.

Then, the heat from the fiery red lava when the Vesuvius volcano erupted along with ash, soil and rock buried this man.

Due to the dried blood, deposited on the remains like a scary dye that kept its state after nearly 2,000 years of being buried, making the body so red.


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